Welcome to the Chair for Decentralized Information Systems and Data Management!
- B-Trees are back! Using adaptive layout selection, B-Trees can hold their own against state of the art in-memory indexes (SIGMOD 2025).
- LeanStore can durably commit million of transactions with microsecond-scale latency using autonomous commit protocol (SIGMOD 2025)
- Viktor Leis receives VLDB Early Career Research Contribution Award at VLDB 2024 "for his work on high-performance data management systems".
- Upgrade your query engine with Umami to efficiently spill stupendous amounts of data. Coming to an NVMe array near you! (SIGMOD 2025)
- Tired of using files to manage unstructured data? Let's switch to LeanStore, which offers high performance and durability for large object management (ICDE 2024).
- Preprint of vision paper on DBMS/OS co-design using unikernels is online.
- Viktor Leis presents CODAC at UC Berkeley and MIT.
- LeanStore gets a high-quality page replacement algorithm called Write-Aware Timestamp Tracking.
- Can your database system process one million out-of-memory TPC-C transactions per second? LeanStore can (VLDB 2023).
- Are you still waiting for your data to load from S3? Better use BtrBlocks, our new columnar storage format for data lakes (SIGMOD 2023).
- Project CODAC starts. The Cloud Analytics Benchmark, which will be presented at VLDB 2023, will serve as benchmark for the project.
- LeanStore gets Snapshot Isolation. The paper Scalable and Robust Snapshot Isolation for High-Performance Storage Engines will be presented at VLDB 2023.
- Let's co-design database and operating systems. The SIGMOD 2023 paper Virtual-Memory Assisted Buffer Management is the first step.