Matthias Greger
E-Mail: matthias.greger(at)tum.de
Phone: +49 (0) 89 289 - 17537
Room 01.10.040
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Munich, Germany
Short Bio
I am a PhD student in the group of Professor Brandt since March 2021. I received my bachelor's degree and my master's degree from the Technical University of Munich. My research interests comprise various topics from computational social choice and algorithmic game theory including dynamics and fairness notions.
- Algorithmic Game Theory (SS 2021, SS 2023, SS 2024)
- Seminar on Markets, Algorithms, Incentives and Networks (WS 2021/22, WS 2022/23, WS 2023/24, WS 2024/25)
Student Projects
- Master's thesis Investigating Fairness in Portioning (Patrick Becker, in progress)
- Master's thesis Donor Coordination for Convex Utility Functions (Alexander Fries, 2025)
- Guided Research The Core - A Core Concept in Game Theory and Social Choice (Patrick Becker, 2024)
- Master's thesis Beyond Pareto Optimal and EF1 Allocations of Indivisible Goods (Pietro Massetani, 2024)
- Master's thesis Fair and Efficient Allocation of Indivisible Chores (Luzia Dorsch, 2023)
- Master's thesis No-Regret Dynamics in Zero-Sum Games (Viktoriia Lapshyna, 2023)
- Bachelor's thesis Opinion Dynamics on Graphs (Joelle Wagner, 2023)
- Bachelor's thesis Probability Structure of the Bipartisan Set (Till Köbele, 2022)
- Master's thesis Exploring the Maximal Lottery Urn Process (Samuel Amar, 2022)
- Master's thesis Modeling Pandemic Lockdown Strategies via Coalition Formation Games (Anna Boguth, 2021)
Community Service
Refereeing Journals
- ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
- Artificial Intelligence
- Games and Economic Behavior
- Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research
- Social Choice and Welfare
Refereeing Conferences