Recent advances in theoretical machine learning
This is a weekly meeting / reading group of the TFAI group, where we discuss new papers and occasionally have invited talks.
Everyone in TUM (and beyond) is welcome to join. Just come to the venue at the specified time. Please introduce yourself if you are joining for the first time. For best experience, read the paper before the meeting.
Time and place
Wednesdays 10:30-12:00
Room 03.09.014 and online at: Passcode: 221241
Upcoming meetings
15.01. Scaling Laws in Linear Regression: Compute, Parameters, and Data
22.01. Lecture Notes on Infinite-Width Limits of Neural Networks
(tentative) 19.02.25 at 10:00 Bachelor thesis presentation by Kamilla Ariazova
18.03.25 at 14:00 (exception: it's on Tuesday at 2pm and will take place in Glaskasten) Bachelor thesis presentation by Max Huppertz