Wintersemester 2024/25
LV-Nr. | Titel | Termine | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
240962819 | Automaten und formale Sprachen (IN2041) |
0000001209 | Bachelor Seminar on Logic and Algorithms (IN0014, IN45063) |
240967808 | Data Mining und Knowledge Discovery (IN2030) |
0000002169 | Doctoral seminar - Theoretical Foundations of Artificial Intelligence (IN2137) |
0000006207 | Komplexitätstheorie (IN2007) |
0000001214 | Master-Seminar – Advanced Complexity Theory (IN2107, IN4442) |
0000004295 | Master-Seminar – Theoretical advances in deep learning (IN2107, IN4409) |
0000003866 | Perlen der Informatik 3 (IN2176) |
0000004494 | Seminar - Recent Advances in the Verification of Neural Networks (IN2107, IN0014, IN45007) |
0000001201 | Seminar on Formal Verification meets Artificial Intelligence (IN0014, IN2107, IN45019) |
0000001206 | Seminar on Model Checking Stochastic Games (IN0014, IN2107, IN45073) |
0000001257 | Übung zu Automaten und formale Sprachen (IN2041) |