RRITbed – Real-Time Remote IDS Testbed

RRITbed is an IDS testbed developed by Valentin Zieglmeier. It comprises a full toolchain for integrated testing of IDS meant for a connected vehicle scenario, based on the ROS middleware. This work was described and evaluated in a paper published at SAC'19. From the abstract:

Connected vehicles are becoming commonplace. A constant connection between vehicles and a central server enables new features and services. This added connectivity raises the likelihood of exposure to attackers and risks unauthorized access. A possible countermeasure to this issue are intrusion detection systems (IDS), which aim at detecting these intrusions during or after their occurrence. The problem with IDS is the large variety of possible approaches with no sensible option for comparing them. Our contribution to this problem comprises the conceptualization and implementation of a testbed for an automotive real-world scenario. That amounts to a server-side IDS detecting intrusions into vehicles remotely. To verify the validity of our approach, we evaluate the testbed from multiple perspectives, including its fitness for purpose and the quality of the data it generates. Our evaluation shows that the testbed makes the effective assessment of various IDS possible. It solves multiple problems of existing approaches, including class imbalance. Additionally, it enables reproducibility and generating data of varying detection difficulties. This allows for comprehensive evaluation of real-time, remote IDS.

The testbed is modularized, extensible, and the source code is openly available (see below).

Source code

The source code can be found on our GitHub.


Zieglmeier, Valentin; Kacianka, Severin; Hutzelmann, Thomas; Pretschner, Alexander: A real-time remote IDS testbed for connected vehicles. Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing - SAC '19, ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2019. [BibTeX] [Full text (DOI)] [Full text (arXiv preprint)]