Picture of David Marson

David Marson

Technical University of Munich

Informatics 4 - Chair of Software & Systems Engineering (Prof. Pretschner)

Postal address

Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München

About Me

I joined the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering (Prof. Dr. Pretschner) in September 2022. Generally, I am interested in cyber-physical systems (CPS) and modeling and simulation (M&S). My current research interests are scenario-based testing, search-based software testing, and drone swarm controllers. I am interested in developing techniques to generate test cases for cooperating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Prior to joining the chair, I earned a master's degree in aerospace engineering and worked in industry as a systems engineer.

Thesis Supervision

If you are interested in working with us, please take a look at the chair's Theses and Projects page or contact me via email. Below are my open topics. If you have an idea related to my research interests, please feel free to contact me!

--- Open ---
--- Ongoing ---

Scenario Parameters for Testing Reactive and Predictive Swarm Controllers

Bachelor's Thesis
Effectiveness of Search-Based Testing on a Deep Reinforcement-Learned
Swarm Controller
Bachelor's Thesis
(with S. Speth)
--- Finished ---

(2024) Optimizing Relevant Quality Attributes of Collaborating Autonomous UAVs

Bachelor's Thesis
(2024) Test Case Generation for Robust Behavior During Component Failures 
in Collaborating Autonomous Aerial Vehicles
Master's Thesis
(with N. Kolb)
(2023) Applying Safety Testing to Collaborative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Bachelor's Thesis
(with N. Kolb)