David Marson
Technical University of Munich
Informatics 4 - Chair of Software & Systems Engineering (Prof. Pretschner)
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17311
- david.marson@tum.de
About Me
I joined the Chair of Software and Systems Engineering (Prof. Dr. Pretschner) in September 2022. Generally, I am interested in cyber-physical systems (CPS) and modeling and simulation (M&S). My current research interests are scenario-based testing, search-based software testing, and drone swarm controllers. I am interested in developing techniques to generate test cases for cooperating unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Prior to joining the chair, I earned a master's degree in aerospace engineering and worked in industry as a systems engineer.
Thesis Supervision
If you are interested in working with us, please take a look at the chair's Theses and Projects page. Additionally, I will periodically update the list below.
--- Open ---
Development and Evaluation of Robust UAV Swarm Route Planner | Master's Thesis |
--- Ongoing ---
- - - |
--- Completed ---
(2024) Scenario Parameters for Testing Reactive and Predictive Swarm Controllers | Bachelor's Thesis |
(2024) Effectiveness of Search-Based Testing on a Deep Reinforcement-Learned Swarm Controller | Bachelor's Thesis (with S. Speth) |
(2024) Optimizing Relevant Quality Attributes of Collaborating Autonomous UAVs | Bachelor's Thesis |
(2024) Test Case Generation for Robust Behavior During Component Failures in Collaborating Autonomous Aerial Vehicles | Master's Thesis (with N. Kolb) |
(2023) Applying Safety Testing to Collaborative Unmanned Aerial Vehicles | Bachelor's Thesis (with N. Kolb) |
Winter 2024-2025 | Practical Course: Scenario-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems |
Summer 2024 | Systems Engineering (BSc Engineering Science) (IN8015) |
Summer 2024 | (topic supervisor) Seminar Course: Software Quality (IN0014, IN2107, IN4572) |
Winter 2023-2024 | (exercise contribution) Advanced Topics of SW Engineering (IN2309, IN2126) |
Summer 2023 | Systems Engineering (BSc Engineering Science) (IN8015) |
D. K. Marson, D. Deldar and A. Pretschner, "System-Level Test Case Generation and Execution for Distributed Cooperative Unmanned Aerial Systems," 2024 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV), Jeju Island, Korea, Republic of, 2024, pp. 1060-1067, doi: 10.1109/IV55156.2024.10588639.