Seminar: Software Quality

Module No: IN0014, IN2107 (Bachelor's, Master's)

Preliminary Meeting

The preliminary meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 11 at 3:30 p.m. via Zoom:

The slides will be posted here afterwards.

The Seminar

In this seminar we will explore the many aspects of software quality. These include automated and manual testing of business information systems and cyber-physical systems, and the use of LLMs for software engineering tasks.

Each student will be matched with a supervisor from academia or industry (with experience in academia) and will work on their unique topic throughout the semester. Each topic includes some literature research and some practical work, which will prepare you perfectly for your bachelor's or master's thesis in software engineering. We will teach you how to find good literature, how to write a good seminar paper (or thesis), and how to give effective presentations.


We offer these topics, on each of which one student works under 1-to-1 supervision:

  1. Do flaky tests lead developers to ignore test failures?
  2. How effective is Rerunning Flaky Tests in CI?
  3. Insights into Java code coverage for natural language tests
  4. Test Gap Analysis
  5. Test Gap Analysis Plus
  6. Clone Detection
  7. An Empirical Assessment of Neural Embeddings Techniques for Web Testing
  8. Using LLMs to Improve Reliability
  9. Hey GPT, fix my code! Using Large Language Models to review and correct code snippets
  10. Searching for Non-Conformance of a Swarm Controller

(These topics are from summer semester 2024. Topics for the upcoming winter semester will be posted soon)