
The meaning of accountability in a technical system depends on the exact context and the desired characteristics. In general, it denotes the desire to limit an actor’s (mis-)use of power by making actions transparent, link them to the actor, threaten the actor with consequences, and thus deter…

Software protection in practice addresses the yearly loss of tens of billion USD for software manufacturers, a result of malicious end-users tampering with the software (”software cracking”). Software protection is prevalent in the gaming and license checking industries, and also relevant in the…

Do you want to learn advanced python programming or are you interested in Software Quality, Dynamci and Causal Models for Socio-Technical Systems, or Ethics in Software Engineering? We have just the course for you! https://www.in.tum.de/en/i04/teaching/

What are reasons to migrate a 1M Lines of Code Legacy System to(!) Cobol? And how can we perform such a migration project cost-efficiently and minimize manual work? Together with our industrial research partner itestra GmbH, we shared some insights at ICSME! Check out the paper:…

Informatik Spektrum - Nicht erst seit der anstehenden EU-Gesetzgebung zur Regulation von Künstlicher Intelligenz (KI) spielt die Berücksichtigung und Verwirklichung von Normen und Werten...

Conference: ESEC/FSE 2021: Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering

The malware analysis and detection research community relies on the online platform VirusTotal to label Android apps based on the scan results of around 60 antiviral scanners.

Check out our seminars on Software Quality and Inverse Transparency! Remember to apply before the deadlines on July 20th and 21st, resp. Application for Software Quality Application for Inverse Transparancy

In our project Inverse Transparency, we research ways to securely track and make available information about data accesses to data owners. One approach to guarantee tamper-proof logging without necessitating trust in a central authority is using blockchain for storing the logs. Yet, blockchain is by…

M.Schnappinger, A.Fietzke, A. Pretschner: Human-level Ordinal Maintainability Prediction Based on Static Code Metrics, Evaluation and Assessment in Software Engineering (EASE) 2021