
Patrick Stöckle successfully defended his thesis on "A Holistic Approach for Security Configuration."

see TUM news.

Your task will be to maintain a web interface for recommending university courses to interested students. Overall, the goal is to facilitate the search for digital lectures and make them as accessible as possible. For this, we want your help in structuring and displaying the available data to your…

Validating Intrusion Detection Systems with standard benchmarks is problematic ...

Vortrag von Prof. Pretschner am 17.1. in der BAdW

Daniel Elsner successfully defended his thesis on Integrating System and Process Characteristics into Regression Test Optimization.

Consider submitting!

Aaron Tacke was awarded the 2023 Rohde&Schwarz Best Bachelor Thesis Award for his thesis on "Dynamic Program Analysis for the Reduction of Flaky Test Detection Efforts."

Tabea Schmidt successfully defended her thesis on "Testing the Safe Behavior of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Scenario-Based Testing"!

Authors: Valentin Zieglmeier, Alexander Pretschner Abstract: Employees work in increasingly digital environments that enable advanced analytics. Yet, they lack oversight over the systems that process their data. That means that potential analysis errors or hidden biases are hard to uncover. Recent…