
Our research focuses on advancing the fields of Software Engineering, Deep Learning, and Human-Computer Interaction. Led by Prof. Chun-yang (pronounced "train-young"), our chair applies AI/ML, NLP, and light-weight program analysis technologies to tackle challenges in the following key areas:

  1. AI(LLM)-assisted Automated Mobile App Development
    • Requirement elicitation
    • UI design and code generation
    • GUI testing and usability
    • Accessibility testing
    • Bug replay
  2. AI-empowered Mining of Software Repositories
    • Library/API migration
    • Collaborative editing
    • Query reformulation
    • Thesaurus construction
  3. Security of Deep Learning and Mobile Apps
    • On-device model attacks
    • Backdoor attacks
    • Phishing attack detection
    • Deep learning defense mechanisms
  4. Large Language Models (LLMs) for Software Engineering
    • Testing applications
    • Bug replay techniques

Our goal is to develop innovative solutions that bridge the gap between artificial intelligence and practical software engineering challenges. By leveraging cutting-edge AI technologies, we aim to enhance the efficiency, reliability, and security of software development processes.

Located at the Technical University of Munich Campus Heilbronn, Germany, our team collaborates with industry partners and academic institutions worldwide to drive advancements in these critical areas of research.