Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Neckel

Technische Universität München
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Tel: +49-89-289-18632
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office: MI 02.05.055
Email: neckel(at) cit.tum.de
Office Hours: by arrangement
Collection of slides of the minisymposium "Software for UQ" at the SIAM UQ 2018
- since 2018: Project team leader of the IGGSE Project ExaNIML
- since 2014: Main coordinator of the Ferienakademie
- since 2011: Member of the central organisation team of the Ferienakademie
- since 2009: Program Coordinator of the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational Engineering (BGCE)
- 2014: Lehrfonds prize of the TUM together with H.-J. Bungartz
- 2011: Ernst Otto Fischer prize of the TUM together with Dr. F. Rupp for the course Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing
- 2009: Promotionspreis des Bunds der Freunde der TU München
- 2009: Dr. rer.nat. in Informatics (TU München)
- 2005: Diploma in Technomathematik (TU München)
- reviewing activities for various journals and conferences such as:
- Numerical Methods in Fluids, Physical Review E, SIAM SISC, Computational Physics, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Journal of Computational Science
- Euro-Par, ICDE (IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering), CE (International Workshop on Computational Engineering), CASC (Computer Algebra & Scientific Computing), ISPDC
- organising minisymposia or supporting programme commitees at different conferences such as:
- SIAM CSE 2023, SIAM CSE 2021, SIAM UQ 2020, SIAM CSE 2019, SIAM UQ 2018, SIAM CSE 2017, SIAM UQ 2016, SIAM PP 2016, SIAM CSE 2015, ISPDC 2014, SIAM UQ 2014, ICCE 2014, ISPDC 2013, SIAM CSE 2013, ISPDC 2012, FEF2011, SIAM CSE 2011
- member of the local conference organizers of SIAM UQ 2020
- member of the Hurwitz Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Mathematik an der TU München
Research Topics
- Uncertainty Quantification
- Random Differential Equations
- Efficient numerical algorithms
- High performance computing
- Hierarchic and adaptive methods (octrees/spacetrees, sparse grids)
- Simulation of incompressible fluid flow
- Fluid-structure interactions
Research Projects
Running Projects
- Hydrobits
- IGGSE Project: ExaNIML
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 89 - Invasive Computing
Completed Projects
- Software for Exascale Computing (DFG Priority Programme 1648)
- International Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics (HEPP)
- G8-Initiative: Nuclear Fusion Simulations at Exascale (Nu-FuSe)
- Development of new methods for the production of highly reactive polyisobutenes (IGSSE project)
- Numerical simulation of fluid-structure interactions on Cartesian grids (DFG-Forschergruppe 493)
- Numerical simulation of drift ratchets
- Konwihr Project: Computational Steering of Complex Flows
Journals & Conference Publications
- Multi-fidelity Gaussian process surrogate modeling for regression problems in physics. Machine Learning: Science and Technology 5 (4), 2024, 045015 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Multi-fidelity No-U-Turn Sampling. To appear in: Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2022, Springer, 2023 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Sensitivity-driven adaptive sparse stochastic approximations in plasma microinstability analysis. Journal of Computational Physics 410, 2020, 109394 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Multilevel Adaptive Sparse Leja Approximations for Bayesian Inverse Problems. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 42 (1), 2020, A424-A451 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Efficient Quantification of Model Uncertainties When De-boarding a Train. Collective Dynamics 5, 2020, A477 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Comparing Domain Decomposition Methods for the Parallelization of Distributed Land Surface Models. LNCS, 2019, 197-210 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Prediction and reduction of runtime in non-intrusive forward UQ simulations. SN Applied Sciences, 2019 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Nonintrusive Uncertainty Analysis of Fluid-structure Interaction with Spatially Adaptive Sparse Grids and Polynomial Chaos Expansion. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 40 (2), 2018, B457-B482 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- FAST AND FLEXIBLE UNCERTAINTY QUANTIFICATION THROUGH A DATA-DRIVEN SURROGATE MODEL. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 8 (2), 2018, 175-192 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Non-standard Pseudo Random Number Generators revisited for GPUs. Future Generation Computer Systems 82, 2018, 482-492 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Multilevel adaptive stochastic collocation with dimensionality reduction. Sparse Grids and Applications - Miami 2016 (Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering 123), Springer International Publishing, 2018, 43-68 mehr… BibTeX
- En route to high-performance discharges: Insights & guidance from high-realism gyrokinetics. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2018 mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Block-Structured Grids in Full Velocity Space for Eulerian Gyrokinetic Simulations. Computer Physics Communications 215, 2017, 49 - 62 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Solving Random Ordinary Differential Equations on GPU Clusters using multiple Levels of Parallelism. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (4), 2016, C372-C402 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Evaluation of an Efficient Stack-RLE Clustering Concept for Dynamically Adaptive Grids. SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 38 (6), 2016, C678-C712 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Modelling social identification and helping in evacuation simulation. Safety Science 89, 2016, 288-300 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Block-structured grids for Eulerian gyrokinetic simulations. Computer Physics Communications 198, 2015, 105-117 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
- Invasive Compute Balancing for Applications with Shared and Hybrid Parallelization. International Journal of Parallel Programming 43 (6), 2014, 1004-1027 mehr… BibTeX
- Efficient Global Element Indexing for Parallel Adaptive Flow Solvers. Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- GPU Optimization of Pseudo Random Number Generators for Random Ordinary Differential Equations. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS'14), 2014 mehr… BibTeX
- A dynamic mesh refinement technique for Lattice Boltzmann simulations on octree-like grids. Computational Mechanics 51 (2), 2013, 237-253 mehr… BibTeX
- A Coupled Approach for Fluid Dynamic Problems Using the PDE Framework Peano. Commun. Comput. Phys. 12 (1), 2012, 65-84 mehr… BibTeX
- Memory-Efficient Implementation of a Rigid-Body Molecular Dynamics Simulation. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing - ISPDC 2012, IEEE, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- A coupling environment for partitioned multiphysics simulations applied to fluid-structure interaction scenarios. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (ICCS 2010) (Procedia Computer Science 1), Elsevier, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- HPC Fluid Flow Simulations in Porous Media Geometries. Seventh International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards a Navier Stokes-Darcy Upscaling Based on Permeability Tensor Computation. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science (Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2012 9), Elsevier, 2012 mehr… BibTeX
- Towards Multi-Phase Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano. Computational Mechanics 48 (3), 2011, 365-376 mehr… BibTeX
- Navier-Stokes and Lattice-Boltzmann on octree-like grids in the Peano framework. Int. J. Numer. Meth. Fluids 65 (1), 2011, 67-86 mehr… BibTeX
- The PDE framework Peano applied to fluid dynamics: an efficient implementation of a parallel multiscale fluid dynamics solver on octree-like adaptive Cartesian grids. Computational Mechanics 46 (1), 2010, 103-114 mehr… BibTeX
- Partitioned Fluid-Structure Interaction Simulations Using a Hierarchical Cartesian Flow Solver. Prooceddings of the Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, 14th-17th June 2010, Lissabon, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
- Enhanced Divergence-Free Elements for Efficient Incompressible Flow Simulations in the PDE Framework Peano. Prooceedings of the Fifth European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECCOMAS CFD 2010, 14th-17th June 2010, Lissabon, 2010 mehr… BibTeX
- Software Engineering meets Scientific Computing - Group Projects in CSE Education. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 4 (4), 2009, 245-253 mehr… BibTeX
- An Eulerian Approach for Partitioned Fluid-structure Simulations on Cartesian Grids. Computational Mechanics 43 (1), 2008, 115-124 mehr… BibTeX
- Numerical Simulation of Particle Transport in a Drift Ratchet. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing 30 (6), 2008, 2777-2798 mehr… BibTeX
- A Modular and Efficient Simulation Environment for Fluid-Structure Interactions with Large Domain Deformation. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Engineering Computational Technology, Athens, September 2008, Civil-Comp Press, 2008 mehr… BibTeX
- CFD simulations using an AMR-like approach in the PDE framework Peano. CFD2008, 2008 mehr… BibTeX
- A coupling environment for fluid-structure interactions on Cartesian grids. International Conference on Computational Methods in Marine Engineering, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
- Simulating large particle movements in drift ratchets using Cartesian grids. Int. Conf. on Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering (COUPLED PROBLEMS 2007), 2007 mehr… BibTeX
- Benefits of Structured Cartesian Gris for the Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions. Proceedings of the Third Asian-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics, APCOM 07, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
- A Coupling Environment for Fluid-Structure Interactions on Cartesian Grids. 2nd GACM Colloquium on Computational Mechanics, 2007 mehr… BibTeX
Book Sections
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
- Efficient and Scalable Kernel Matrix Approximations Using Hierarchical Decomposition. In: Communications in Computer and Information Science. Springer Nature Singapore, 2024 mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI )
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Bücher / Beiträge zu Sammelbänden
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
- Sensitivity-driven Adaptive Sparse Approximations in Linear Gyrokinetics. Sparse Grids and Applications - Munich 2018, 2018 mehr… BibTeX
Konferenzbeiträge / Poster
- Multilevel uncertainty analysis of fluid-structure interaction simulations using adaptive sparse grids. International Conference on Finite Elements in Flow Problems, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Multilevel sparse Leja approximations in Bayesian inversion. Frontiers of Uncertainty Quantification in Engineering (FrontUQ), 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Multilevel adaptive sparse grid surrogates for Bayesian inverse problems. International Conference on Uncertainty Quantification in Computational Sciences and Engineering, European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences, 2017 mehr… BibTeX
- Steady-state Flow Simulations using Exact Jacobians on Cartesian Grids. (Vortrag) 2009 mehr… BibTeX
- The PDE Framework Peano: An Environment for Efficient Flow Simulations. (Vortrag) 2009 mehr… BibTeX
- FEM Simulations of Incompressible Flow using Automatic Differentiation in the PDE Framework Peano. (Vortrag) 2009 mehr… BibTeX
Technical Reports
- Path-Wise Algorithms for Random and Stochastic ODEs with Applications to Ground-Motion-Induced Excitations of Multi-Storey Buildings. Technische Universität München, (mediaTUM technical report), 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- Path-Wise Algorithms for Random & Stochastic ODEs with Applications to Ground-Motion-Induced Excitations of Multi-Storey Buildings. 2017, mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- K-RODE-Taylor schemes of order 3 and 4 for the Kanai-Tajimi earthquake model. 2015, mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- K-RODE-Taylor schemes of order 3 and 4 for the Kanai-Tajimi earthquake model. (mediaTUM technical report), 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Scalable Hierarchical Approximation of Dense Kernel Matrices. SIAM-PP 2024Baltimore mehr…
- PFASST with dynamic resource management for large-scale applications. Parallel-in-Time workshop 2023, 2023Hamburg, Germany mehr…
- Training Large-Scale Neural Networks with a Newton Conjugate Gradient Method (Newton-CG). SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE23), 2023Amsterdam mehr…
- Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Global Time-Varying Sensitivity Analysis Using the Spatially Adaptive Combination Technique. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification (UQ22), SIAM, 2022Atlanta, Georgia mehr…
- Efficient Uncertainty Quantification and Global Time-Varying Sensitivity Analysis of Conceptual Hydrological Model. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21), SIAM, 2021Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A. mehr…
- An Exascale Library for Numerically Inspired Machine Learning (ExaNIML). ISC High Performance, 2020Frankfurt (DIGITAL due corona) mehr…
- Sensitivity-driven adaptive sparse stochastic approximations in plasma micro-instability analysis. 2019 MIT Center for Computational Engineering (CCE) Symposium 2019Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA mehr…
- Sensitivity-driven dimension-adaptive sparse stochastic approximations in linear gyrokinetics. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2019Spokane, Washington, USA mehr…
- ExaNIML: An Exascale Library for Numerically Inspired Machine Learning. 13th IGSSE Forum, Raitenhaslach, 201913th IGSSE Forum, Raitenhaslach mehr…
- A Dimension-adaptive Sparse Pseudo-Spectral Projection Method in Linear Gyrokinetics. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, 2018Garden Grove, California, USA mehr…
- A Dimension-adaptive Sparse Pseudo-Spectral Projection Method in Linear Gyrokinetics. Surrogate models for UQ in complex systems, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2018Cambridge, UK mehr…
- Multilevel Sparse Leja approximation of Bayesian Inverse Problems. Surrogate models for UQ in complex systems, Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 2018 mehr…
- Multilevel Adaptive Squared Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation. SIAM Conference on Uncertainty Quantification, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2018 mehr…
- En route to high-performance discharges: Insights & guidance from high-realism gyrokinetics. 27th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (FEC 2018), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), 2018 mehr…
- A Sparse Pseudo-Spectral Projection Method in Linear Gyrokinetics. Quantification of Uncertainty: Improving Efficiency and Technology, International School for Advanced Studies, Main Campus, 2017 mehr…
- Adaptive Sparse Grid Stochastic Collocation for Random Ordinary Differential Equations. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2017Atlanta, Georgia, USA mehr…
- Adaptive Sparse Grids Interpolation Techniques for Multilevel Stochastic Collocation in Fluid-Structure Interaction Problems. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2017 mehr…
- Computational Grids Adapted to the Background Distribution Function for Eulerian Gyrokinetic Simulations. Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschafft e.V., 2015, 2015P: Fachverband Plasmaphysik mehr…
- Uncertainty Quantification in Incompressible Flow using Sparse Grids. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2015Salt Lake City, Utah, USA mehr…
- Random Ordinary Differential Equations for Multi-Storey Buildings. SIAM CS&E 2013 2013Boston mehr…
- Simulation of Thermohydraulic Phenomena in the PDE Framework Peano. ASIM Workshop 2011: Trends in CSE 2011Garching mehr…
Student Works
- State of the Art, Issues and Trends of Autonomous Driving. Bachelorarbeit, 2022 mehr…
- Uncertainty Quantification and Global Sensitivity Analysis of a Lagrangian Acoustical-meteorological Coupled Simulation. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
- Efficient Parallel Setup of Eigenvalue Problems in the Manifold Learning Framework Datafold. Masterarbeit, 2022 mehr…
- Multifidelity Gaussian Processes for Uncertainty Quantification. Bachelorarbeit, 2021 mehr…
- Efficient Numerical Solvers for the Manifold Learning Framework datafold. IDP-Arbeit, 2021 mehr…
- Consistent Manifold Representations with Diffusion Maps and Continuous k-Nearest Neighbor Kernels. Masterarbeit, 2021 mehr…
- Simulation of Multivariate Distributions with Various Univariate Marginals and Copulas. Bachelorarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Development of a Prototype to Quantify the Uncertainty of the Water Balance Model LARSIM. Bachelorarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Interface Jacobian Substructuring Algorithm for Multi-Component Dynamical Systems. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Multifidelity Monte Carlo Sampling in Plasma Microturbulence Analysis. Bachelorarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Challenges in Developing Software for Autonomous Driving. Bachelorarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Configuration of a linear solver for linearly implicit time integration and efficient data transfer in parallel thermo-hydraulic computations. Masterarbeit, 2019 mehr…
- Implementation of an HPF5 Interface for the thermo-hydraulics code ATHLET. Master's thesis, 2016 mehr…
- Numerical Simulation of the Boundary Excited Atmospheric Heat Equation with the RPDE-RODE Reduction Method. Master's thesis, 2015 mehr…
- Implementation of test scenarios for incompressible flow using a divergence-free finite-element approach. , 2014 mehr…
- Uncertainty Quantification in Incompressible Flow using Sparse Grids. Bachelor's thesis, 2014 mehr…
- Development of a benchmark suite for Uncertainty Quantification of laminar flow. Bachelor's thesis, 2014 mehr…
- Implementation and Benchmarking of Sparse-Matrix Solvers for Two-Phase Flow Applications. Bachelor's thesis, 2013 mehr…
- Mathematische Behandlung von Makro-Mikro-Problemstellungen gekoppelter nicht-linearer Dynamischer Systeme. Master's thesis, 2013 mehr…
- Divergenzfreie Finite-Elemente für die 3D Navier-Stokes Gleichungen auf kartesischen Gittern. Master's thesis, 2013 mehr…
- Performance tuning of regular Cartesian grids applied to incompressible flow problems. Master's thesis, 2012 mehr…
- Design and Implementation of Efficient Free Text Search Algorithms in the DS-2 Framework. Diplomarbeit, 2012 mehr…
- Detached-Eddy Simulation for the parallel Finite Element Framework ALYA. Diplomarbeit, 2012 mehr…
- Design und Implementierung eines Computational Steering Frameworks für CFD-Simulationen. Diplomarbeit, 2009 mehr…
- From Research Codes To Production Software Packages (BGCE Honours Project). Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2009 mehr…
- Erweiterung eines stationären Navier-Stokes-Lösers. Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2009 mehr…
- Time-implicit ODE Solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations in Peano. Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2009 mehr…
- CFD simulations of moving geometries using Cartesian grids. Diplomarbeit, 2009 mehr…
- Entwicklung eines tecplot-Visualisierungsinterface für Strömungssimulationsdaten. Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2008 mehr…
- Parallel Molecule Viewer - ParMolV (BGCE Honours Project). Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2008 mehr…
- Integration of a Large Eddy Model for Turbulent Flow Simulations into the HPC Framework Peano. Master's thesis, 2008 mehr…
- Integration of the PDE framework Peano in the Grid Environment GridSFEA. Bachelor's thesis, 2008 mehr…
- PeGSI - Peano Geometry Sophisticated Interface (BGCE Honours Project). Studienarbeit/SEP/IDP, 2006 mehr…
Currently Teaching
Wintersemester 2024/25
Titel | LV-Nr. | Art | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
BGCE - Research Day (IN2185) | 0000001371 | VO | |
Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung (IN8008) | 0240985450 | VO | |
Praktikum Scientific Computing (CSE) (IN2182) | 0240980840 | PR | |
Übungen zu Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung (IN8008) | 0000002321 | UE |
Sommersemester 2025
Titel | LV-Nr. | Art | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) |
Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification (IN2345) | 0000002506 | VI | |
B.Sc. Seminar Analyse von Softwarefehlern (IN0014, IN4561) | 0821010793 | SE | |
BGCE - Research Day (IN2185) | 0000003146 | VO | |
M.Sc. Praktikum: Scientific Computing: CFD (IN2186, IN2106, IN2397, IN4085) | 0821087599 | PR | |
Numerisches Programmieren (IN0019) | 0821090949 | VO | |
Seminar Leading Yourself and Others (IN2142) | 0821094863 | SE |
- Lectures/Seminars/Exercises/Practicals:
- Lecture Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification, ST2019
- Seminar Analyse von Softwarefehlern, ST2019
- Lecture Advanced Programming, WT 2018/2019
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2018/2019
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2018/2019
- Lecture Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification, ST2018
- Seminar Analyse von Softwarefehlern, ST2018
- Lecture Advanced Programming, WT 2017/2018
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2017/2018
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2017/2018
- Lecture Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification, ST2017
- Seminar Analyse von Softwarefehlern, ST2017
- Lecture Advanced Programming, WT 2016/2017
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2016/2017
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2016/2017
- Seminar Uncertainty Quantification, ST 2016
- Seminar Mathematische Methoden in der Informatik, ST 2016
- Lecture Scientific Computing I, WT 2015/2016
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2015/2016
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2015/2016
- Seminar Uncertainty Quantification, ST 2015
- Lecture Scientific Computing I, WT 2014/2015
- Lecture Numerical Simulation of Fluids, WT 2014/2015 (guest lecture at the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Seminar Uncertainty Quantification, ST 2014
- Proseminar Mathematische Methoden in der Informatik, ST 2014
- Lecture Scientific Computing I, WT 2013/2014
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2013/2014
- Course Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing, ST 2013 (Ernst Otto Fischer-Lehrpreis)
- Lecture Parallel Numerics, WT 2012/2013
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2012/2013
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2012/2013
- Course Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing, ST 2012 (Ernst Otto Fischer-Lehrpreis der TUM 2011)
- Lecture Einführung in die wissenschaftliche Programmierung, WT 2011/2012
- Practical Scientific Computing Lab, WT 2011/2012
- Seminar Fluid-Structure Interaction, WT 2011/2012
- Lecture Algorithms of Scientific Computing, ST 2011
- Lecture Advanced Programming, WT 2010/2011
- Lecture Algorithms of Scientific Computing, ST 2010
- Lecture Introduction to Programming for CSE, WT 2009/2010
- Seminar Fluid-Structure Interaction, WT 2009/2010
- Exercises and Practical for the lecture Numerical Programming, WT 2009/2010
- Exercises and Practical for the lecture Numerical Programming, WT 2008/2009
- Practical Computational Fluid Dynamics, ST 2008
- Exercises and Practical for the lecture Numerical Programming, WT 2007/2008
- Practical Computational Fluid Dynamics, ST 2007
- Exercises for the lecture Introduction to Programming II, ST 2007
- Practical Scientific Computing, 2006/2007
- Exercises and Practical for the lecture Numerical Programming, WT 2006/2007
- Practical Computational Fluid Dynamics, ST 2006
- Exercises and Practical for the lecture Numerical Programming, WT 2005/2006
- Seminar Leading yourself and others, ST 2005
- Summer Schools:
- Ferienakademie 2019 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2018 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2017 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2016 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2015 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2014 (main coordination)
- Ferienakademie 2013 (central organisation)
- Ferienakademie 2012 (central organisation)
- Ferienakademie 2011 (central organisation)
- Ferienakademie 2007 (course 9)
- JASS 2006 (course 2)
- Ferienakademie 2005 (course 5)
Research Stays Abroad
- Feb-Apr 2017: Australian National University (ANU), Canberra, group of Prof. Markus Hegland
- Mar 2016: GUtech, Muscat, Oman, Prof. Florian Rupp
- Sep-Dec 2008: Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, group of Prof. T. Aoki
- Apr-Aug 2003: Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (C. Talbot) / Ecole des Mines (N. Petit) / Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
- Sep 2002 - Mar 2003: Ecole Polytechnique, Paris
- Bavarian Graduate School of Science and Engineering
- Ferienakademie - a really nice thing ;-)
- Book Bits & Bugs - Additional material
- Collection of slides of the minisymposium "Software for UQ" at the SIAM UQ 2018
- Collection of slides of the minisymposium "Software for UQ" at the SIAM UQ 2016