Jonas Schuhmacher, M.Sc.

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Mail: jonas.schuhmacher (at) (contact me in German or English)
Office: MI 02.05.036
Office Hours: by arrangement

References: GitHub, LinkedIn, ORCID


  • Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at TUM SCCS, since July 2024
  • M.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich, March 2024
    • Thesis: Realistic Atmospheric Reentry Modelling and Refinement Extending ESA’s Flight Dynamics Library (with ESA's Space Debris Office)
  • B.Sc. in Informatics, Technical University of Munich, October 2021
    • Thesis: Efficient Implementation and Evaluation of the NASA Breakup Model in modern C++ (with ESA's Advanced Concepts Team)

Research Interests

  • Modeling and Simulation
    • Application in Physics, Aerospace, ... basically the Natural Sciences
    • Optimization employing different Parallelization & Vectorization Strategies
    • Hardware-agnostic Implementations without trading in Key Metrics like Performance
    • Model Deduction: Advantages and Disadvantages of Empiricism vs. Theory
  • Software Quality through the Application of Design Patterns & Best Practices in the Process of Engineering Scientific Software

Open-Source Software Projects



  • Schuhmacher, Jonas: Realistic Atmospheric Reentry Modelling and Refinement Extending ESA’s Flight Dynamics Library. Masterarbeit, 2024 mehr…


  • Schuhmacher, Jonas: Investigation of the Robustness of Neural Density Fields. Studienarbeit, 2023 mehr…


  • Schuhmacher, Jonas: Efficient Polyhedral Gravity Modeling in Modern C++. IDP-Arbeit, 2022 mehr…


  • Schuhmacher, Jonas: Efficient Implementation and Evaluation of the NASA Breakup Model in modern C++. Bachelorarbeit, 2021 mehr…