David Schneller, M.Sc.
Technical University of Munich
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstraße 3
85748 Garching
Email: david DOT schneller AT tum DOT de
Telephone: +49 89 35831 7817
Office: E.2.048 (LRZ, Boltzmannstraße 1)
Office hours: by arrangement
ORCID: 0000-0002-2145-6133
- PhD candidate in Informatics (since 2023)
- M.Sc. Informatics (TUM, 2019-2023)
- M.Sc. Mathematics (TUM, 2020-2022)
- B.Sc. Mathematics (TUM, 2018-2020)
- B.Sc. Informatics (TUM, 2015-2019)
Pre-PhD publications:
- Lisa-Marie Dreier, Svilen Stefanov, David Schneller, Alexander Ditter:
SC17 student cluster competition, Team Technical University of Munich and Friedrich–Alexander University Erlangen–Nürnberg: Reproducing vectorization of the Tersoff multi-body potential on the Intel Broadwell architecture
Published in: Parallel Computing Volume 78, October 2018, Pages 79-83 - Maximilian Hornung, Svilen Stefanov, David Schneller, Sharru Møller:
Analysis of the ParConnect Algorithm ran on Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing
Published in: Parallel Computing Volume 70, December 2017, Pages 46-53
Advised Student Theses
- Budanaz, Yakup Koray: "Improved GPU Kernel Generation for SeisSol using Loop-over-GEMM and Sparse-Matrix Operations"; Master's Thesis in Informatics (co-advised together with Ravil Dorozhinskii)
Wintersemester 2024/25
LV-Nr. | Titel | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) | Dauer | Art | Termine |
0000000665 | Seminar Course - Fundamentals of Wave Simulation - Solving Hyperbolic Systems of PDEs (IN2183, IN2107) | 2 | SE |
Sommersemester 2025
LV-Nr. | Titel | Vortragende/r (Mitwirkende/r) | Dauer | Art | Termine |
0000000715 | M.Sc. Praktikum: Modern Wave Propagation - Discontinuous Galerkin & Julia (IN2106, IN2397, IN4280) | 6 | PR |
0000002465 | Scientific Computing II (IN2141) | 4 | VI |
0000000761 | Seminar Sich selbst und andere führen (IN9009) | 2 | SE |