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3 Buchstaben lang sein.
- ZX Polynomial Synthesis. Technical University of Munich, 2022, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Exploring the Use of Molecular Dynamics Simulations for High-Performance Space Debris Collision Modelling. European Space Agency, 2022, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Optimization of Quantum Circuits using Diagrammatic Calculi. Technical University of Munich, 2021, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Load Balancing and Auto-Tuning for Heterogeneous Particle Systems using ls1 mardyn. High-Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), 2019, mehr… BibTeX Volltext (mediaTUM)
- Path-Wise Algorithms for Random and Stochastic ODEs with Applications to Ground-Motion-Induced Excitations of Multi-Storey Buildings. Technische Universität München, (mediaTUM technical report), 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- A Highly Optimized Implementation of the Fast Multipole Method within the Molecular Dynamics Code ls1-mardyn – 4th International Conference on Computational Engineering (ICCE 2017). 2017, mehr… BibTeX
- Path-Wise Algorithms for Random & Stochastic ODEs with Applications to Ground-Motion-Induced Excitations of Multi-Storey Buildings. 2017, mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- K-RODE-Taylor schemes of order 3 and 4 for the Kanai-Tajimi earthquake model. 2015, mehr… BibTeX Volltext ( DOI ) Volltext (mediaTUM)
- KAUST & TUM - A Computational Partnership – HPVC Workshop. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- High Performance Visual Computing: An Overview – HPVC Workshop. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- K-RODE-Taylor schemes of order 3 and 4 for the Kanai-Tajimi earthquake model. (mediaTUM technical report), 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- Flood Scenarios Using Spacetree-Based Adaptivity on Real Terrain Data – HPVC Workshop. 2015, mehr… BibTeX
- High dimensional problems and tnesor methods – Kolloquium Fakultät für Mathematik. 2014, mehr… BibTeX
- Achievements at Aoki Laboratory: Parallelization of the OU Process, Runs on TSUBAME – Aoki Labratory Meeting. 2014, mehr… BibTeX
- Accelerating solution methods in Scientific Computing by using GPUs – Aoki Labratory Meeting. 2014, mehr… BibTeX
- A Visual Framework for Digital Reconstruction of Topographic Maps. 2014, mehr… BibTeX
- A Toolkit for the Code Development in Advanced Computing. 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallel Solution of Regression Problems Using Sparse Grids and Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers – ANZIAM 2013. 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- PeanoClaw - A Functionally-Decomposed Approach to Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Local Time Stepping for Hyperbolic Conservation Law Solvers. 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- A Toolkit for the Code Development in Advanced Computing. Technische Universität München, 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- PeanoClaw - A Functionally-Decomposed Approach to Adaptive Mesh Refinement with Local Time Stepping for Hyperbolic Conservation Law Solvers. Institut für Informatik, Technische Universität München, 2013, mehr… BibTeX
- A Multiscale Approach for Particle Transport Simulation in Low Reynolds Number Flows. (Tweflth Copper Mountain Conference on Iterative Methods 2012 - Student Paper Competition), 2012, mehr… BibTeX
- Distributed data-mining with sparse grids using alternating direction method of multipliers – Sparse Grids and Applications 2012. 2012, mehr… BibTeX
- Sparse grids on GPGPU – Ferienakademie 2010. 2010, mehr… BibTeX
- Grid-Workflow-Management-Systeme für die Ausführung wissenschaftlicher Prozessabläufe. 2010, mehr… BibTeX
- Approximations of high-dimensional binary Tensors – Workshop on high-dimensional problems. 2010, mehr… BibTeX
- Preconditioning for Iterative Regularization – Kolloquium Bergakademie Freiberg. 2010, mehr… BibTeX
- Numerische Simulation von Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkungen auf kartesischen Gittern – Forschergruppentreffen, FG 493. 2008, mehr… BibTeX
- Basics of Computational Fluid Dynamics – ATHENS. 2008, mehr… BibTeX
- Computational Steering of Complex Flow Simulations – KONWIHR Projektbegutachtung. 2008, mehr… BibTeX
- Load Balancing for Problems with Good Bisectors and Applications in Finite Element Simulations: Worst-case Analysis and Practical Results. (SFB-Bericht), 1998, mehr… BibTeX
- Matrix Multilevel Methods and Preconditioning. (SFB-Bericht), 1998, mehr… BibTeX
- Approximate Sparsity Patterns for the Invers of a Matrix and Preconditioning. (SFB-Bericht), 1998, mehr… BibTeX
- Sparse Grids: Recent Developments for Elliptic Partial Differential Equations. (SFB-Bericht), 1997, mehr… BibTeX
- Hierarchische Basen zur effizienten Kopplung substrukturierter Probleme der Strukturmechanik. (SFB-Bericht), 1997, mehr… BibTeX
- Fluid Structure Interaction: 3D Numerical Simulation and Visualization of o Micropump. (SFB-Bericht), 1997, mehr… BibTeX
- Mathematical Modeling and Numerical Simulation of Freezing Processes of a Supercooled Melt under Consideration of Density Changes. (SFB-Bericht), 1997, mehr… BibTeX
- Hierarchisch strukturierte numerische Algorithmen auf Workstation-Netzen – Graduiertenkolleg. (TUM-Info), 1996, mehr… BibTeX
- Additive Multilevel-Preconditioners based on Bilinear Interpolation, Matrix Dependent Geometric Coarsening and Algebraic-Multigrid Coarsening for Second Order Elliptic PDEs. (SFB-Bericht), 1996, mehr… BibTeX
- Algebraic Muligrid Methods for the Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations in Complicated Geometries. (SFB-Bericht), 1996, mehr… BibTeX
- Efficient Computation of Sparse Approximate Inverses. (SFB-Bericht), 1996, mehr… BibTeX
- Higher Order Finite Elements on Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Coupled Problems in Microsystem Technology. (SFB-Bericht), 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallel turbulence simualtion on the IBM SP2 using a sparse grid method – Contribution Sup'Prize 1995, Sup'Eur User Group Organization. 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Sparse Grids: Applications to Multi-dimensional Schrödinger Problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Implicit Extrapolation Methods for Variable Coefficient Problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallel Communication on Workstation Networks with Complex Topologies. (SFB-Bericht), 1995, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallelization of the Placement Tool GORDIAN with a Divide-and-Conquer Method – Overview of research on the parallel computer SNI-KSR at the Leibnitz-Rechenzentrum München. , Hrsg.: (LRZ-Report), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallelization of a multigrid algorithm on the KSR1 – Overview of Research on the Parallel Computer SNI-KSR at the Leibniz-Rechenzentrum München. , Hrsg.: 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- Turbulence Simulation on Sparse Grids Using the Combination Method. (SFB-Bericht), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- A Domain-Oriented Multilevel Algorithm - Implementation and Parallelization. (SFB-Bericht), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- Tensor Product Type Subspace Splittings And Multilevel Iterative Methods for Ansiotropic Problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallel Adaptive Numerical Simulation. (SFB-Bericht), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- A Multi-Level Algorithm for the Finite-Element-Solution of General Second Order Elliptic Differential Equations on Adaptive Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1994, mehr… BibTeX
- Pointwise Convergence of the Combination Technique for Laplace's Equation. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- A Proof of Convergence for the Combination Technique for the Laplace Equation Using Tools of Symbolic Computation. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Remarks on the Abstract Theory of Additive and Multiplicative Schwarz Algorithms. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- The Efficient Solution of Fluid Dynamics Problems by the Combination Technique. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- The parallel ASMG algorithm for 3D Poisson-like equations on multi-workstations – Arbeitspapiere der GMD 767. 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Convergence of the Combination Technique for the Finite Element Solution of Poisson's Equations. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Gauß' Aaptive Relaxation for the Multilevel Solution of Partial Differential Equations on Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Layout Optimisation with Algebraic Multigrid Methods. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Extrapolation Techniques for Constructing Higher Order Finite Element Methods. (TUM), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- Multilevel, Extrapolation and Sparse Grid Methods. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- The Visibility Problem for Single-Valued Surface (z=f(x,y)): The Analysis and Parallelisation of Algorithms. (SFB-Bericht), 1993, mehr… BibTeX
- The d-dimensional Helmholtz equation on sparse grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Performance Analysis and Optimization of Numerically Intensive Programs. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Performance Analysis and Optimization of Numerically Intensive Programs. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Extrapolation, Combination and Sparse Grid Techniques for Elliptic Boundary Value Problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Grid- and pint-oriented multilevel algorithms. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- The Combination Technique for Parallel Sparse-Grid-Preconditioning and -Solution of PDE's on Multiprocessor Machines and Workstation Networks. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Improved multilevel algorithms for full and sparse grid problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- Einführung in InterViews. (Bericht TUM-INFO), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- An asymtotic solution for the singularity at the angular point of the lid driven cavity. (SFB-Bericht), 1992, mehr… BibTeX
- A Toolbox for Multigrid Methods. (Bericht TUM), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- An Adaptive Poission Solver Using Hierarchical Bases and Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- Stabilitätsuntersuchung von Differenzenverfahren mit Hilfe der Resultantenalgebra unter Verwendung des REDUCE-Systems. (Bericht TUM), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- Multilevel algorithms considered as iterative methods on indefinite systems. (SFB-Bericht), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- The combination technique for the sparse grid solution of PDE's on multiprocessor machines. (SFB-Bericht), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- Extrapolation and Related Technique for Solving Elliptic Equations. (Bericht TUM), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- Fouriertransformation auf dünnen Gittern mit hierarschischen Basen. (SFB-Bericht), 1991, mehr… BibTeX
- A Parallelizable and Vectorizable Multi-Level-Algorithm on Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- Parallel Multigrid Methods on Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- Zur Lösung von Finite-Differenzen- und Finite-Element-Gleichungen mittels der Hierarschischen Transformations-Mehrgitter-Methode. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- A Combination Technique for the Solution of Sparse Grid Problems. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- Schnellere Berechnung klassischer Matrixmultiplikationen. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX
- Sparse Grids. (SFB-Bericht), 1990, mehr… BibTeX