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Master's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Amr is advised by Prof. Christian Mendl and Irene López Gutiérrez. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis submission talk (CSE). Luca is advised by Prof. Michael Bader, in collaboration with DLR. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Martin is advised by Dr. Tobias Neckel and Kislaya Ravi. [weiterlesen]
IDP submission talk. Michael & Thomas are advised by Dr. Tobias Neckel and Dr. Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's Thesis Submission Talk (Informatics). Iremnur is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Jonas is advised by Lukas Krenz. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics: Games Engineering), in German. Yann is advised by Markus Wiedemann and examined by Prof. Michael… [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Tina is advised by Fabio Gratl. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Pascal is advised by Michael Obersteiner. [weiterlesen]
Guided Research project presentation talk (Informatics). Fabian is advised by Keefe Huang. [weiterlesen]