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Master's thesis presentation (Informatics). Victor is advised by Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis talk. Hisham is advised by Benjamin Rodenberg. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Alexander is advised by Lukas Krenz. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis talk. Raúl is advised by Prof. Mendl. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis submission talk(Informatics: Games Engineering). Raphael is advised by Fabio Gratl. [weiterlesen]
Bachelor's thesis talk. Johannes is advised by Fabio Gratl. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis talk. Sabin is advised by Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis talk. Ashish is advised by Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis talk. Sinan is advised by Felix Dietrich. [weiterlesen]
Master's thesis submission talk (Informatiks: Games Engineering). Jacky is advised by Fabio Gratl. [weiterlesen]