Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

Tianyi Ge: Efficient integration of a novel hierarchical matrix format (GOFMM) for solving kernel matrices

SCCS Colloquium |

This talk presents a user-friendly python framework of the geometry-oblivious fast multipole methods (GOFMM). We complemented the existing GOFMM data structure by writing matrix multiplication and inverse. Then, we built an interface to integrate the existing C++ programs into Python using the Simplified Wrapper and Interface Generator (SWIG). The wrapper enables users to directly use various GOFMM routines, such as the aforementioned matrix-vector multiplication and matrix inverse, without any complicated compilation. It also allows users to input a numpy array into the existing GOFMM data structure in C++. As a result, this feature opens the door to various powerful data analysis 
tools that we can use to study the efficiency and accuracy of GOFMM operations. We wrote a library for error analysis to calculate the error of GOFMM matrix-vector multiplication and inverse. To expand usability of GOFMM, we constructed a Python library that contains major GOFMM operations and error analysis. This library can be installed directly from the Python Package Index (PyPI).

Master's thesis talk. Tianyi is advised by Severin Reiz.