Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

Lightning talks: Get to know what we are doing

SCCS Colloquium |

We currently expect the following introducion talks:

  • Maximilian Michallik: Adaptive Regression with the Spatially Adaptive Combination Technique (Bachelor's thesis, advised by Michael Obersteiner)
  • Yi-Han Hsieh: Second Order training for Natural Language Processing using Newton-CG Optimizers (Master's thesis, advised by Felix Dietrich and Severin Reiz)
  • Jacky Körner: Enabling Massive Parallelism for the AutoPas Demonstrator MD-Flexible using Adaptive Domain Decomposition. (Master's thesis, advised by Fabio Gratl)
  • Ludwig Gärtner: Integrating Kokkos into AutoPas for hardware agnostic particle simulations  (Master's thesis, advised by Fabio Gratl)
  • Tobias Humig: Performance Modeling of Algorithms in AutoPas. (IDP, advised by Fabio Gratl)

Multiple students presenting their work in 5min talking + 5min discussion. Are you interested in doing your student project at our chair? Don't miss this event!

Speakers: talk with your advisor and fill the details in the registration form until June 9, pointing to this event. An abstract is optional.