Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

Erin Kerciku: Quantum Circuit Compilation for Circuit Cutting

SCCS Colloquium |

Modern quantum algorithms require huge amounts of qubits, but current quantum hardware is limited. We explore the potential benefits of circuit cutting in quantum computing, with a focus on the partitioning of RZZ gates rather than the conventional CNOT gates. Circuit cutting is an emerging technique aimed at dividing quantum circuits into smaller, independent fragments, thereby making it possible to scale up quantum computing experiments. It is already proven that cutting RZZ gates is cheaper than cutting CNOT gates @piveteau_circuit_knitting_with_classical_communication, but this study investigates whether optimizing quantum circuits in the direction of RZZ gates can offer advantages such as reducing the overall sampling overhead thus making the compilation of the circuit cheaper. Through a series of experiments and trials, we analyze the performance and efficiency of this approach according to different parameters.

Bachelor's thesis presentation. Erin is advised by Philipp Seitz and Prof. Dr. Christian Mendl.