Master's thesis presentation. Xing is advised by Marc Marot-Lassauzaie.
Xing Zhou: Evaluation of reduced-footprint memory layouts for the hyperbolic PDE solver ExaHyPE2
SCCS Colloquium |
Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are indispensable in modern high-performance computing (HPC) systems due to their exceptional parallel processing capabilities. However, their performance is often constrained by the overhead of memory transfers between the CPU and GPU, particularly in memory-bound tasks. This study investigates two optimization techniques—bit-level data packing and buffer aggregation—to improve memory transfer efficiency in ExaHyPE2, an open-source framework for solving hyperbolic partial differential equations.
Experimental results demonstrate that buffer aggregation is the most effective strategy for optimizing GPU kernel execution in ExaHyPE2, significantly reducing synchronization overhead. Multi-threading was also explored to overlap memory transfers and kernel execution, but it yielded minimal benefits. While data packing alone did not show substantial performance improvements in ExaHyPE2 kernels, it proved highly effective for memory-bound tasks and exhibited enhanced performance when combined with buffer aggregation.
The proposed optimization strategies offer valuable insights into addressing memory transfer challenges and have broad applicability to HPC applications requiring efficient GPU offloading.
TUM Student Team "PhiClub" Participates in Student Custer Competition
Project ExaHyPE, the Gauß Centre for Supercomputing and SCCS (Roland Wittmann and Sebastian Rettenberger) supported the team "TUM Phi Club" at this year's Student Cluster Competition. The six Bachelor students were a fierce competitor with their Knights Landing cluster provided by RSC. For example, they achieved the best result in the interviews of the competition, and came in on place 7 (among 14 teams) overall.
See the insideHPC article and GCS' press release for further information.
HLRS Golden Spike Award 2016 for Sebastian Rettenberger et al.
The presentation "Large Scale I/O of an open-source earthquake simulation package" by Sebastian Rettenberger at the Results and Review Workshop of the High-Performance Computing Centre Stuttgart has been awarded the Golden Spike Award 2016.
ISC 2016 PhD Forum Award
Our colleague and doctoral candidate Alfredo Parra received the "ISC 2016 PhD Forum Award" for his talk and poster at this year's ISC PhD Forum! The event was held on June 20th in the city of Frankfurt. After an initial review process, the 14 selected guests from all around the world gave a lightning talk (4 minutes), followed by a one hour poster session. Alfredo presented the results of his research - "Tolerating Hard & Soft Faults with the Sparse Grid Combination Technique". Congratulations!
"Form Follows Function" Workshop at ISC 2016 picked up by HPCwire
SCCS alumni Tobias Weinzierl and Michael Bader organized a workshop at ISC 2016 conference on Follows Function - Do algorithms and applications challenge or drag behind the hardware evolution?.
HPCwire reports on the workshop in its article ISC Workshop Tackles the Co-development Challenge.
"Highest Linpack" and Overall 3rd Place for Team TUMuchPhun at SC15 Student Cluster Competition
The team "TUMuch Phun" consisting of six Bachelor students in Informatics supported by Roland Wittmann and Sebastian Rettenberger participated in the Student Cluster Competition at the Supercomputing Conference in Austin, TX. With a modified PetaStream cluster provided by the Russian supercomputing vendor RSC, team TUMuchPhun won the category "Highest Linpack" and achieved an excellent third place overall.
Articles: TUM Germany Wins Highest Linpack Award on RSC system (on insideHPC), Team TUMuch Phun Wins High Performance Linpack Award ... (on HPCwire),
More material: SC15 interview with Gregor Matl (YouTube), SSC15 team website and team intro, official photos of the event
ExaHyPE KickOff
The new EU Horizon 2020 project ExaHyPE (An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine, project coordinator is Michael Bader) had its KickOff event on Oct 23 at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre. For more information on ExaHyPE, see the respective press release by BayFor.
Alexander von Humboldt-Guest: Christos Kravvaritis
Christos Kravvaritis will stay at the chair from October to Decemeber 2015. He will cooperate on topics like "probabilistic vectors for Tensor approximations" and "Structured Matrices".
August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor: Martin Mai (KAUST)
Prof. Martin Mai from KAUST was selected as August-Wilhelm Scheer Visiting Professor by TUM-IAS. From July to Decemeber 2015, he will cooperate with SCCS and the Seismology Group at Munich University on HPC-enabled multi-scale dynamic fracture simulations for natural and induced earthquakes.
Best Poster Award at SIAM CSE 2015
Christoph Kowitz received a "Best Poster Award" at this years SIAM CSE meeting in Salt Lake City, UT for the poster "The Sparse Grid Combination Technique for Solving Eigenvalue Problems"
Software Campus Project "BigQuestion"
Kilian Röhner has been chosen as a member in this years Software Campus cohort. Together with the industry-partner, new online learning methods for Big Data will be researched within the project "BigQuestion". The program also includes a mentoring and training for management skills.
Benjamin Peherstorfer was awarded the Heinz-Schwärtzel-Dissertationspreis 2014 for his Ph.D. Thesis "Model-Order Reduction of Parametrized Systems with Sparse Grid Learning Techniques".
Alexander Breuer Distinguished as George Michael Fellow at SC14
Alexander Breuer received the 2014 ACM/IEEE Computer Society George Michael Memorial HPC Fellowship at the 2014 Supercomputing Conference in New Orleans. See the respective press release on HPCwire
Gordon Bell Prize Finalists 2014
With SeisSol, the earthquake simulation package developed together with the Geophysics group at LMU (Christian Pelties, Alice Gabriel) and in cooperation with Intel, LRZ, TACC and NUDT, Michael Bader, Alexander Breuer, Alexander Heinecke and Sebastian Rettenberger have been nominated as finalists of the Gordon Bell Prize 2014 at SC 14.
Short Course Lattice Boltzmann Methods
Philipp Neumann holds a short course on Lattice Boltzmann methods at the Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora, Brazil on Aug 21-26 2014. An outline of the course can be found here.
TUM-Lehrfonds Project for SCCS
Hans Bungartz and Tobias Neckel were awarded one of the TUM-Lehrfonds prizes of 2014. The project "Studiengang CSE - kompetenzorientiert gestalten" contains several larger refactoring steps to smoothen the CSE curriculum with respect to state-of-the-art didactical concepts. This will be joint work with TUM's Prolehre team and will take place throughout the winter term.
Best Paper Award at the 2014 IEEE Germany Student Conference
The BGCE students Ravikishore Kommajosyula and Xue Xiao were awarded the 2nd Best Paper Award for their publication entitled "ATHLET Framework for Embedding/Extending: An Efficient, Flexible & Easy-to-use Python Framework to a Large FORTRAN Code" at the 2014 IEEE Germany Student Conference. More information can be found at [1].
Guest Olga Kupriianova, Paris
On July, 10th, 2pm, Olga Kupriianova will give a talk on "Metalibm: a code generator for mathematical functions" in room 01.07.023.
PRACE ISC Award 2014
Together with their co-authors, Michael Bader, Alexander Breuer, Alexander Heinecke and Sebastian Rettenberger received the PRACE ISC Award 2014 for their paper "Sustained Petascale Performance of Seismic Simulations with SeisSol on SuperMUC" at the International Supercomputing Conference 2014, Leipzig.
Guest Professor Stefano Serra-Capizzano
Stefano Serra Capizzano from Como will be at the chair from June 18th to 28th. He will give a compact course for CSE, BGCE, TOPmath, on structured matrices, Multigrid, and image processing. Furthermore, Professor Serra-Capizzano gives a talk "On the asymptotic spectrum of stiffness matrices arising from Isogeometric Analysis", June 26th, 2pm in room 02.08.011.
Intel Parallel Computing Centre at TUM and LRZ
SCCS (PIs Bader and Bungartz) and the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (PI Bode) will together establish an Intel Parallel Computing Centre to optimze four different CSE applications for current and future Intel-based supercomputing platforms. See the Intel IPCC Website and the press release of BAdW (also in German) for more details.
Computational record on SuperMUC (SeisSol)
A team of SCCS and colleagues from Geophysics/LMU performed a large-scale seismic-wave simulation that achieved a record-breaking performance of 1.08 PetaFlop/s on SuperMUC. See the respective press release for more details.
Best Teaching Award for Bernhard Gatzhammer
Bernhard Gatzhammer wins the 2013 teaching award of the department of computer science for the tutorials Numerical Programming I and II associated to the corresponding lecture in the international masters course Computational Science and Enginnering (CSE).
BGCE students act in ENB video
On the occasion of the annual meeting with Nobel Price winners organised by the ENB, a video was produced where several current and former students of ENB programmes appear. Many of them are BGCE students who say goodbye in their mother's tongue. [2]
PRACE ISC Award 2013
Together with their co-authors, Wolfgang Eckhardt, Alexander Heinecke and Hans-Joachim Bungartz received the PRACE ISC Award 2013 for their paper "591 TFLOPS Multi-Trillion Particles Simulation on SuperMUC" at the "International Supercomputing Conference 2013", Leipzig. More information can be found at [3].
A video contribution recorded by the PRACE team at CSC is available at [4].
HPC Wire - The Benefits of Invasive Computing
Invasive Computing has received considerable attention in the HPC community. A contribution by Michael Bader, Hans-Joachim Bungartz, and Martin Schreiber has found mentioning in a news article of HPC Wire under
ICMLA 2012 - Best Special Session Paper Award
A "Best Special Session Paper Award" was given to Daniel Butnaru, Benjamin Peherstorfer, Dirk Pflüger, and Hans-Joachim Bungartz for the paper "Fast Insight into High-Dimensional Parametrized Simulation Data" at the ICMLA 2012, Boca Raton, USA.
At the department's 2012 Graduation Ceremony (Dec 7 2012), two TeachInf-Awards of the Fachschaft went to our chair: Hans-Joachim Bungartz for "Numerisches Programmieren" in the winter term 2011/2012 and Thomas Huckle for "Numerisches Programmieren" in the summer term 2012.
Ernst-Otto-Fischer Preis der TUM
Philipp Neumann and Christoph Kowitz - together with their colleagues Felix Schranner and Dmitrii Azarnykh - are awarded the Ernst-Otto-Fischer prize of the TUM for their teaching concept Teamwork Across Disciplines - Interdisciplinarity Meets Supervised Teaching.
Prize at ASIM Workshop for BGCE Project
The BGCE students Mihail Georgiev, Diana Gudu, Michael Hinterstocker, Tijana Kovačević and Amirhesam Shahvarani received the second poster award at the ASIM Workshop 2012 in Vienna, honouring their BGCE-project poster "GPU-accelerated MRI Simulation and Visualization on a CAVE-like environment".
Gene Golub SIAM Summer School 2012
Michael Bader will co-organise the 2012 Gene Golub SIAM Summer School in Monterey, California (Jul 29-Aug 10, 2012). The topic will be Simulation and Supercomputing in the Geoscience - see the website for more details!
Ernst-Otto-Fischer Preis der TUM
In August 2011, Tobias Neckel and Dr. Florian Rupp were awarded the Ernst-Otto-Fischer prize of the TUM for the convincing interdisciplinary lecture "Interdisciplinary Guided Research at the Edge of Dynamical Systems & Scientific Computing". This lecture will take place in ST 2012.
SCCS goes G8
Together with the Max-Planck Institut für Plasmaphysik in Garching, the chair is participating in the G8 project Nu-FuSe.
Best Student Poster Award
Daniel Butnaru together with Claudia Simion and Ebrahim Eyad were awarded the Best Student Poster Award for their poster entitled "Simulation Meets Visualization: Mountain Hike Simulator" at the 2011 ASIM Workshop.
We are official member of the Sundance (Trilinos) developer team
Janos Benk has become one of the official developer of the Sundance PDE-toolbox, which is part of the Trilinos library, developed mainly at Sandia National Laboratory, USA. [5]
Best Paper Award
Alexander Heinecke and Dirk Pflüger were awarded the Best Paper Award for their publication entitled "Multi- and Many-Core Data Mining with Adaptive Sparse Grids" at the 2011 ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers.
Heinz Schwärtzel-Dissertationspreis für Grundlagen der Informatik
In December 2010, Dirk Pflüger was awarded the Heinz Schwärtzel prize, a joint prize of the three universities in Munich, for the best Ph.D. thesis on foundations of computer science, with the title "Spatially Adaptive Sparse Grids for High-Dimensional Problems".
Best Paper Award
Stefanie Schraufstetter has received together with André Borrmann and Ernst Rank the Best Paper Award 2009 of the ASCE Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering for the paper "Implementing Metric Operators of a Spatial Query Language for 3D Building Models: Octree and B-Rep approaches".
Simlab students
From July to December 2010 Botond Tyukodi, Cristina Corlaci, Petar Ristoski and Aliz-Eva Nagy, four students that hold a Simlab scholarship, are visiting our chair. The Simlab program offers students from Serbia, Macedonia and Rumania the possibility to spend three months at the TU München to gain experience in the field of simulation.
Best Student Presentation
Dheevatsa Mudigere, one of our 2009 graduates of the BGCE elite programme, received the "Best student paper award" at the International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC 2009) in Kochi, India, for his paper "Fast GPU data rearrangement kernels using CUDA". The paper is related to his master's thesis, a joint project of the GE labs in Bangalore and our chair.
Kristof Unterweger received the GI-Preis for his excellent dipoma thesis "CFD simulations of moving geometries using Cartesian grids".
Promotionspreis des Bundes der Freunde der TU München
In November 2009, Tobias Neckel received the award of the foundation "Bund der Freunde der TU München" in recognition of his outstanding PhD thesis.
Luise Prell Award
In July 2009, Philipp Neumann received the award of the Luise Prell foundation for his excellent scientific diploma thesis at Universität Erlangen.
Simlab students
From January to March 2009 Sebestyen-Pal Katalin, Istvan Haller and Marko Ljukovic, three students that hold a Simlab scholarship, are visiting our chair. The Simlab program offers students from Serbia, Macedonia and Rumania the possibility to spend three months at the TU München to gain experience in the field of simulation.
Best Student Talk Award
Auf der HDA09 erhielt Dirk Pflüger den Preis für den besten studentischen Vortrag.
Seit 1.1. 2009 arbeitet Dr. Christos Kravvaritis als Humboldt-Stipendiat an unserem Lehrstuhl. Dr. Kravvaritis kommt von der University of Athens und hat promoviert über Abschätzungen von Determinanten spezieller Matrixfamilien. Thema des Humboldt-Stipendiums ist die "Kompakte Fourier-Analyse für Mehrgitterverfahren".
Bavarian champion at our chair
Thomas Auckenthaler, the Bavarian champion in hurdle-race over 400m in the year 2008, has joined our chair to write his PhD thesis.
IGGSE goes Ferienakademie
The Ferienakademie 2008 in Sarntal hosted the first ever IGSSE summer academy course. 12 Ph.D. students from several IGSSE Research Training Projects participated in the course Computational Engineering - From Models to Software run by the organisers Martin Ruess (civil engineering @ TUM) and Michael Bader (SCCS).
Bund der Freunde-Stipendium
Herr Matous Sedlacek hat für ein Jahr ein Stipendium des "Bund der Freunde der TU München" erhalten für das Projekt "Sparse Approximate Inverses und Anwendungen". Er führt daher seit 1.9.2008 die Arbeit von Alexander Kallischko auf diesem Gebiet weiter.