Prof. Dr. Alexander Pretschner
Postal address
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching b. München
Place of employment
Informatics 4 - Chair of Software & Systems Engineering (Prof. Pretschner)
Boltzmannstr. 3(5611)/I
85748 Garching b. München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 17347, 17876
- Room: 5611.01.058
- E-mail: alexander.pretschner(at)
Consultation: Tuesday 1pm-2pm after setting up an appointment via email or per phone: 089 28917362.
If you need a letter of recommendation, please get in touch at least four weeks before the deadline.
Research Interests
Systems&Software Engineering, Usage Control (demo videos available), Privacy, Model-Based Testing, Automatic Test Case Generation, Model-Based Development, Security of Distributed Data and Systems,
- Scientific director, fortiss research and technology transfer institute
- Speaker of the board, Bavarian Research Institute for Digital Transformation
- Scientific Director, Center for Digital Technology and Management (board member since 2015)
- Associate editor: IEEE Transactions on Reliability (since 2023), The Software Quality Journal (since 2023), The Journal of Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (since 2011); The Journal of Software and Systems Modeling (since 2007); The Journal of Computer and System Sciences (since 2015); IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing (2011-2016);
- General chair MODELS 2019, PC co-chair CODASPY 2017, PC chair CODASPY 2016, PC co-chair MODELS 2016, general chair ESSOS 2014, general co-chair ICST 2011
- Selected program committees and boards since 2011: SACMAT 2017, IFIPSEC 2017, ICST 2017, CloudCom 2016, ICST 2016, POST 2016, ESSOS 2016, CloudCom 2015, CODASPY 2015, SACMAT 2015, ESSOS 2015, ICSE 2014, ICST 2014, CODASPY 2014, ESORICS 2013, ICST 2013, POST 2013, SACMAT 2013, CODASPY 2013, MODELS 2013, ESSOS 2013, NSS 2013, SE 2013, ISSRE 2012, MODELS 2012, SERE 2012, TAIC-PART 2012, SACMAT 2012, CODASPY 2012, ICST 2012, ICSE 2012 tutorial track, QSIC 2012, SE 2012, German Testing Day 2011, OGK 2011, ESEC/FSE 2011 technical briefings, STM 2011, ICST 2011, ASIACCS 2011, QSIC 2011, SACMAT 2011, AST 2011, VG+ODRL 2011, SE 2011, TAIC-PART 2011, SSIRI 2011
- Director of the NATO Marktoberdorf summer schools on software engineering (2018, 2016, 2014)
- Witness in court
- Elite study program Software Engineering
- Master program Automotive Software Engineering
- Previously professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Technical University of Kaiserslautern; group manager at Fraunhofer IESE; post doc at ETH Zürich; PhD from Technische Universität München; MS degrees in computer science from RWTH Aachen University and The University of Kansas. Guest professor/visiting researcher at the Singapore University of Technology and Design (2018), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2015), Télécom Bretagne in Rennes (2007), the University of Trento (2007), and the University of Innsbruck (2007)
- TUM Startup Mentor of Excellence (2024)
- Test-of-Time Runner-Up award at ISSRE 2022 for our 2012 paper "Data Loss Prevention Based on Data-Driven Usage Control", with Tobias Wüchner
- Runner-Up (2. place) Supervisory Award of TUM's Center of Doctoral Studies in Informatics and its Applications for outstanding supervision of doctoral students (2020)
- EARTO Innovation Prize to Fraunhofer IESE for joint work on Distributed Data Usage Control (2014)
- IBM Faculty Awards (2012, 2013)
- Google Focused Research Award (2011)
- Fraunhofer Attract Program "Distributed Data Usage Control" (2008)
- Fulbright scholarship (1998)
- Best paper awards, see publications
- Member IFIP WG 11.14
To students:
- Rohde&Schwarz Best Bachelor Award, 2023, Aaron Tacke
- ICST 2023 Distinguished paper award for the paper "BinaryRTS: Cross-language Regression Test Selection for C++ Binaries in CI", Daniel Elsner, Severin Kacianka, Stephan Lipp, Alexander Pretschner, Axel Habermann, Maria Graber and Silke Reimer
- Runner-up ICT Fraunhofer dissertation award, 2018, Christoph Bier
- CAST e.V. best dissertation award, 2018, Sebastian Banescu
- Young Scientist of the Werner von Siemens Ring Foundation, 2017, Sebastian Banescu
- Outstanding Paper Award, 32nd Annual Computer Security Applications Conference, 2016, Sebastian Banescu
- Best Paper Award, 6th Software Security, Protection, and Reverse Engineering Workshop, 2016, Alei Salem and Sebastian Banescu
- German IT security award (3. place), Horst-Görtz foundation, 2016, Kristian Beckers
- First prize of the Competence Center for Applied Security Technology (CAST e.V.) for the best Master's thesis, 2015, Rafael Fedler
- Best Student Tool Demo Award, ASE 2014, Dominik Holling
- Best Code Cracker Award 5th Intl. Summer School on Information Security and Protection 2014, Sebastian Banescu
- Best Poster Award CCGRID 2013, Florian Kelbert
- Best Student Paper Award ICST 2013, Matthias Büchler
- Outstanding Paper Award CODASPY 2012, Prachi Kumari
- ObjektForum Förderpreis 2011, Tobias Wüchner
- Best Paper Award 2010/2011 of the DFG priority program 1496, Jens Kuhn, Prachi Kumari, Jonas Peschla
- Best Master's thesis at Fraunhofer IESE 2011, Cornelius Moucha
- Wissenschaftspreis des Landesbeauftragten für Datenschutz Rheinland-Pfalz 2009, Stefan Willenbrock
Past Teaching
- Introduction to Programming. TUM: WS 21/22, WS 18/19, WS 13/14; KIT: WS 11/12, WS 10/11
- Introduction to Software Engineering. TUM: SS15, SS14, SS13
- Advanced Topics of Software Engineering, WS20/21, WS 19/20, WS 17/18, WS 16/17, WS 15/16
- Systems Engineering. TUM: SS23, SS22, SS19, SS18, SS17, SS16, SS15
- Requirements Engineering. TUM: SS23, SS22, SS21, SS20, SS19, SS18, SS17, SS16, SS15
- Software Architecture. TUM: WS 13/14, WS 12/13
- Security Engineering. TUM: SS23, SS22, SS21, SS20, SS19, SS18, SS17, SS16, SS15, SS14, SS 13; KIT: WS 11/12, WS 10/11; TUKL: SS 10, SS 09; ETHZ: HS 07 (with David Basin), HS 06 (with David Basin), HS 05 (with Heiko Mantel)
- Security Engineering Lab. TUM: WS 13/14, WS 12/13; KIT: SS 11; TUKL: WS 09/10
- Advanced Topics of Software Testing. TUM: SS23, SS22, SS21, SS20, SS19, SS18, SS17, SS16, SS15, SS16, SS15, WS 14/15, WS 13/14, WS 12/13, SS 12; KIT: SS 11; TUKL: WS 09/10, WS 08/09; ETHZ: FS 08, FS 07
- Public lecture series on Digital Tramsformation: SS23, SS22, SS21, SS19, SS18, SS17
- Seminars each semester
- Program Co-Chair 7th ACM Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, 2017
- Co-Chair Tools Demonstration Track, 32nd Intl. Conf. on Automated Software Engineering, 2017
- Program Chair Practice and Innovation Track, ACM/IEEE 18th Intl. Conf. on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems, 2016
- Program Chair 6th ACM Conference on Data and Applications Security and Privacy, 2016
- Co-Organizer 5th Intl. Workshop on Data Usage Management, 2014
- General Chair, 6th International Symposium on Engineering Secure Software Systems, 2014
- Co-Organizer 4th Intl. Workshop on Data Usage Management, 2013
- Co-Organizer 3rd Intl. Workshop on Data Usage Management on the Web, 2012
- German Testing Day 2011
- General Co-Chair, 4th International Conference on Software Testing, Verification, and Validation, 2011 (with Ina Schieferdecker)
- General Co-Chair, 6th Workshop on Security and Trust Management (with Gilles Barthe)
- Co-Organizer Dagstuhl seminar on Model-Based Testing in Practice, 2010 (with Rob Hierons und Wolfgang Grieskamp)
- Organizer Dagstuhl seminar on Distributed Usage Control, 2010 (with Marianne Winslett, Sandro Etalle, Ravi Sandhu)
- Organizer 2nd Workshop on Constraints in Software Testing, Verification and Analysis
- Organizer ZISCWorkshop on Advanced Topics of Access and Usage Control, 2008
- Organization of doctoral symposia at Software Engineering 2010, Models 2008 und Modellierung 2008
- Co-Organizer first, second, third and fourth ICSE International Workshops über Software Engineering for Automotive Systems
[2004 in Edinburgh; 2005 in St. Louis; 2006 in Shanghai; 2007 in Minneapolis] - Co-Organizer 1st Intl. workshop on Security Testing, Lillehammer, 2008
- Co-Organizer fourth and fifth workshops on Model-Driven Engineering, Verification, and Validation, 2007, 2008
- Co-Organizer workshop on Model-Based Trustworthy Health Information Systems
- Co-Organizer workshop on Modellbasierten Qualitätssicherung, Informatik 2005, Bonn, September 2005
- Co-Organizer GI/Dagstuhl seminar on model-based testing, Januar 2004