Practicum: Scenario-Based Testing of Cyber-Physical Systems


Scenario-based testing is an effective testing methodology used to verify the behavior of autonomous cyber-physical systems. The methodology has been used to test autonomous cars for unsafe behavior and, more recently, to conduct similar tests on autonomous drones. As autonomous drones become more prevalent, interest in autonomous swarms of drones is also increasing. Scenario-based testing can be extended to verify the behavior of a group of drones operating cooperatively. This practical course teaches students how to apply scenario-based testing to a cyber-physical system, specifically using cooperating drones as the system-under-test.

Key Topics:

  • Scenario-based testing as a framework for testing the behavior of autonomous cyber-physical systems in expected operational scenarios
  • Discrete-event simulations to execute and rapidly test controllers that dictate the behavior of cyber-physical systems
  • Search-based testing and metaheuristic search methods to find challenging test cases in the form of concrete scenarios


  • Learn about the scenario-based testing framework and the methodologies that make scenario-based testing possible.
  • Design and implement an automated scenario-based test case generation tool.
  • Evaluate the tests produced by the tool using measures of effectiveness.

Previous Knowledge Expected:

  • Prerequisite courses:
    • Advanced Topics of Software Testing (IN2084)
    • Praktikum Grundlagen der Programmierung (IN0002)
  • Programming experience (intermediate); including in Python.
  • Interest in cyber-physical systems is recommended.
  • Some familiarity with discrete-event simulations and MATLAB is beneficial.

Preliminary Meeting

The preliminary meeting will take place on 11 July, 14:00 via Zoom.

Link will be posted here shortly before the meeting.


Registration for this course is handled by the TUM Matching Platform (see the deadlines here)