Han Wang

Visiting Researcher

E-Mail: han.wang@monash.edu



Han Wang is a visiting researcher affiliated with Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Currently, he is pursuing his PhD at Monash under the supervision of Prof. Chunyang Chen, Prof. Burak Turhan, and Prof. Yuan-fang Li. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Software Engineering with Honours from the Australian National University and began his doctoral studies in 2021. Han's research covers automated software and app testing using AI, to enhancing human-computer interaction with state-of-the-art techniques. He has contributed to leading journals and conferences in Software Engineering and Human Computer Interaction, and his work extends into areas like software engineering and blockchain technology. Additionally, he served as a visiting researcher at Technische Universität München (TUM) from April to July 2024.


Research Focus:

Unit Testing for Software Engineering and AI

Mobile App Testing

Voice User Interface across Multi-Platforms

Human-centered UI automation



Learn more about Han's publications here(https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=HgPiqX8AAAAJ&hl=en&authuser=1)