Pavel Nedvedicky
Room D.4.13
Technical University of Munich
Informatics Heilbronn 3 - Chair of Software Engineering (Prof. Wagner)
Postal address
Bildungscampus 2
74076 Heilbronn
Research Areas
- Safety of Autonomous Driving (ADAS, ADS)
- System-Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA) for Enhanced Safety and Reliability
- Virtual Simulation Techniques for Testing and Development
- Scenario-Based Testing Methodologies and Identification of Critical Scenarios
- DevOps Practices and Continuous Testing
Student Supervision
I offer thesis supervision to students interested in topics listed under my Research Areas.
The list of available thesis topics will be updated regularly on this page. Please contact me with your own topic ideas if there are no listed ones or none of them appeals to you.
Collaboration with industry is especially welcome!