HydroBITS: Code Optimisation and Simulation for Bavarian Water Supply and Distribution
Project type | Research Project |
Funded by | Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection / LfU |
Begin | January 2018 |
End | December 2021 |
Leader | Univ.-Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz |
Staff | Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Neckel, Ivana Jovanovic, M.Sc. (hons) |
Contact person | Dr. rer. nat. Tobias Neckel |
Co-operation partner | Dr. Jens Weismüller, Dr. Wolfgang Kurtz, LRZ |
Brief description
In HydroBITS, existing IT structures at different institutions related to water supply and distribution in Bavaria are going to be analysed. Basics for modernising the corresponding IT infrastructure are going to be created which are necessary due to various technological developmentss in the recent years. In cooperation with the LRZ, workflows as well as simulation models and data of the Bavarian Landesamts für Umwelt are analysed. A demonstrator platform with a prototype for a modern IT structure are going to be created.
Website of the Bayerische Forschungsstiftung
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
- | Postdoctoral Grant Ekaterina Elts | Postdoctoral Grant | 2009 |
FORTWIHR | Design of efficient computation methods for problems of fluid dynamics | Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Computing | |
FORTWIHR | Design of efficient parallel algorithms for the computation of fluid dynamics in complex geometries | Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Computing | |
FORTWIHR | Simulation und Optimalsteuerung von Luft- und Raumfahrtsystemen und Werkzeuge für Parallelrechner | Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Computing | |
FORTWIHR | Numerische Simulation von Schmelz- und Beschichtungsprozessen | Bavarian Consortium for High Performance Scientific Computing |
Website of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMB+F)
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
Chameleon | Eine Taskbasierte Programmierumgebung zur Entwicklung reaktiver HPC Anwendungen | Grundlagenorientierte Forschung für HPC-Software im Hoch- und Höchstleistungsrechnen | 2020 |
ELPA- AEO | Eigenwert-Löser für PETAFLOP-Anwendungen:Algorithmische Erweiterungen und Optimierungen | Fördermassnahme IKT 2020 - Höchstleistungsrechnen im Förderbereich: HPC | 2018 |
CzeBaCCA | Czech-Bavarian Comptetence Center for Supercomputing Applications | Förderinitiative "HPC Software for Scalable, Parallel Hardware" | 2017 |
MultikOSI/MEPKA | Multi-criterial optimization process | Cooperation Project with Munich University of Applied Sciences | 2016 |
SIMDATA-NL | Non-Linear Characterization and Analysis of FEM Simulation Results for Motor-Car Components and Crash Tests (SIMDATA-NL) | BMBF support program: Mathematics for innovations in the Industrial and Service Sectors | 2013 |
ELPA | Highly Scalable Eigenvalue Solvers for Petaflop Applications | Förderinitiative "HPC Software for Scalable, Parallel Hardware" | 2012 |
IMEMO | Innovative HPC-Methoden und Einsatz für hochskalierbare Molekulare Simulation | Förderinitiative "HPC Software for Scalable, Parallel Hardware" | 2012 |
FIDEUM | Finanzderivate in unvollständigen Märkten | Förderinitiative "Mathematik für Innovationen in Industrie und Dienstleistungen" | 2010 |
DIWERK | DIWERK - Density Functional Methods as a Tool for Chemistry | Förderinitiative "High Performance Scientific Computing" | |
03ZEM1M1 | Efficient, robust and accuruate Solvers for linear system of equations resulting from mechanistic models for the simulation of time-dependant two-phase water-steam-streams | Förderinitiative "Neue mathematische Verfahren in Industrie und Dienstleistungen" | |
ITO | Information Technology Online (ITO) | Förderprogramm Neue Medien in der Bildung (NMB) | 2003 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
- | Numerical Aspects of the Simulation of Quantum Many-body Systems | QCC project | 2012 |
Short | Project name | Project type | Finished |
IGSSE-3-10 | Distributed stochastic simulation for the hydroelastic analysis of very large floating structures | IGSSE Project | 2012 |
IGSSE-1-8 | Hardware-aware Simulation and Computing | IGSSE Project | 2011 |
IGSSE-1-4 | Development of New Methods for the Production of Highly Reactive Polyisobutenes | IGSSE Project | 2011 |
Website of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
SimLab | Accompanying Mobility Measures for the SimLab in Belgrade - SimLab Scholarship Program and Compact Courses | DAAD Programme Academic Reconstruction of South Eastern Europe | 2010 |
Simulation Technology | Summer school Simulation Technology in Romania | Programm Sommerschulen im Ausland | 2004 |
Website of the German Research Foundation (DFG)
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
Micropumps | Modeling and Simulation of Micropumps | DFG project | 2010 |
FOR493 | Numerical Simulation of Fluid-Structure Interactions on Cartesian Grids | Research Group FOR493 | 2010 |
SP1103 | Volume-oriented Modeling as a Foundation of Network-based Co-operative Planning Processes in Structural Engineering | Schwerpunktprogramm 1103 | 2006 |
SFB411 - C4 | Principles of aerob biological wastewater treatment | Subproject of Priority Program 411 | 2003 |
SFB438 - Z2 | Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Verification of material-oriented processes and intelligent systems | Subproject of Priority Program 438 | |
SFB342 | Methods and Tools for the use of parallel hardware archictures | Subproject of Priority Program 342 | |
Research Training Group | Kooperation und Ressourcenmanagement in verteilten Systemen | - |
Website of the G8 Research Councils Initiative on Multilateral Research Funding
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
Nu-FuSe | Nuclear Fusion Simulations at Exascale – Nu-FuSe | - | 2016 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
HEPP | International Helmholtz Graduate School for Plasma Physics | Helmholtz Graduate School Scholarship | 2017 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
SimLab Belgrade | Installation of a simulation laboratory (SimLab) at the University of Belgrade for use in research and education | Förderung von hochschulpolitischen Projekten in der Bundesrepublik Jugoslawien |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Funded by | Finished | |
TabletPC | Simulation Technology Goes Mobile | HP Hardware Grant | Hewlett-Packard | 2006 | |
Structural mechanics | Distributed Simulation of structural mechanic problems based on recursive substructering | Within the framework FORTWIHR | Siemens AG | ||
Numerical Simulation of coupled problems | Numerical Simulation of coupled problems | Within the framework FORTWIHR | Siemens AG | ||
Octree | Algorithms on Octree-datastructures for the examnination of collisions in CAD-modeled components in automotive engineering | Within the framework FORTWIHR | Tecoplan Informatik | ||
NEC | Scalable High Performance Shared Memory Vector Computer and their Applications to Fluid Flow Investigations | Within the framework FORTWIHR | NEC-ESS | ||
Cray | The combination method for turbulence simulation | Within the framework FORTWIHR | Cray Research |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
ExScaMIC | Extreme Scaling on x86/MIC/KNL | Intel Parallel Computing Center | 2018 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Funded by | Finished |
IAS focus group | HPC - Tackling the Multi-Challenge | - | Excellence Initiative of the German federal and state and governments | 2015 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
MSV | Multimodale Simulation des Verkehrsablaufs in großen Netzen | Förderprogramm Modellierung und Simulation auf Höchstleistungsrechnern | 2007 |
Nucleation (S) | Massive parallel molecular simulation and visualization of the nucleation in mixtures for scale-overlapping models | Förderprogramm Modellierung und Simulation auf Höchstleistungsrechnern | 2006 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
KAUST-P5 | High-Performance Visual Computing | KAUST-TUM Kooperation | 2015 |
KAUST-P2 | Virtual Arabia | KAUST-TUM Kooperation | 2013 |
KAUST-P1 | CO2 Sequestration | KAUST-TUM Kooperation | 2013 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
vhb - CSE | Development of courses for the vhb | Virtuelle Hochschule Bayern (vhb) |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Finished |
ASCETE, ASCETE-II | Advanced Simulation of Coupled Earthquake-Tsunami Events | Call "Extreme Events: Modelling, Analysis and Prediction" | 2019 |
Mathematical Thinking | Development and enhancement of creative application of mathematical thinking | Perspektiven der Mathematik an der Schnittstelle von Schule und Universität | 2003 |
Short name | Project name | Project type | Funded by | Finished |
SeisSol Kernels | Optimization of Dense and Sparse Matrix Kernels for SeisSol on SuperMUC | KONWIHR project | Bayer. Staatsministerium für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst | 2014 |
CANDI | CANDI | EU Tempus Project | EU | 2013 |
BaCaTeC-NPS | Scalable Tsunami and Atmospheric Simulation on Heterogeneous Manycore Platforms | Kooperationsvorbereitung | BaCaTeC | 2013 |
Belgrad | EU Tempus Belgrad | EU Tempus Project | EU | 2012 |
SkvG | Efficient Parallel Simulation of Fluid Flow on Cartesian Grids | KONWIHR Übergangsfin. | High-Tech-Offensive Bayern | 2008 |
RTB-Bayern TP3.8 | Distributed computing in engineering applications | part of FORTWIHR | DFN-Verein | |
NumStoch | NumStoch: Automatic pre-correction of numerical programming tasks | self-study online | Universität Stuttgart | |
DEISA DECI 4 | DEISA DECI 4: DRatchet | HPC Project | [1] |