Prof. Dr. Michael Bader

Technische Universität München
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Tel: +49-89-35831-7810
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office: at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (Boltzmannstr. 1), E.2.044
Email: bader(at)
Office Hours: by arrangement
Michael Bader is associated professor at the Department of Computer Science and leads the group on hardware-aware algorithms and software for high performance computing. In particular, he focuses on challenges imposed by latest supercomputing platforms, and the development of suitable efficient and scalable algorithms and software for simulation tasks in science and engineering. The corresponding research group is therefore located at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre.
Research Topics
- High Performance Computing/Supercomputing
- Simulation software: SeisSol, ExaHyPE, sam(oa)²
- Efficient parallel numerical algorithms (e.g., parallel adaptive mesh refinement, high-order discontinuous Galerkin schemes) and optimising their performance
- Large-scale simulation in the geosciences: earthquakes, tsunamis
Featured articles:
Research Projects
Running Projects
- ChEESE-2P - Centre of Excellence for Exascale computing in the domain of Solid Earth (EuroHPC JU: Horizon Europe and BMBF)
- targetDART - dynamically adaptive and reactive distribution of tasks on heterogeneous exascale architectures (BMBF)
- ExaHyPE-MVP: Mixed and Variable Precision for an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine (DFG)
- ScalaMIDA: Scalable Multi-Index Delayed Acceptance for Non-Linear Earthquake Modelling - funded as part of the EuroHPC JU project Inno4scale
- Modernizing Checkpointing and Output in the Earthquake Simulation Software SeisSol (KONWIHR)
Completed Projects
- ChEESE - Centre of Excellence for Exascale computing in the domain of Solid Earth (EU, Horizon 2020)
- Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 89 - Invasive Computing (DFG)
- Optimisation of SeisSol for Large Scale Simulations of Induced Earthquakes (KONWIHR)
- SeisSol-CoCoReCS: SeisSol as a community code for reproducible computational seismology (DFG)
- ENERXICO - Supercomputing and Energy for Mexico (EU Horizon 2020)
- ExaHyPE: An Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine (EU Horizon 2020)
- Chameleon (BMBF)
- ASCETE - Advance Simulation of Coupled Earthquake-Tsunami Events (Volkswagen Stiftung)
Currently Teaching
Winter term 2024/25
Title | Course no. | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
Bachelor-Practical Course Tsunami-Simulation (IN0012, IN4153) | 0000000791 | PR | |
Master Practical Course - Scientific Computing - High-Performance Computing (IN2106, IN4230, IN2397) | 2409687962 | PR | |
Numerical Algorithms for High Performance Computing (IN2398) | 0000000816 | VI | |
Practical Scientific Computing 1 (IN2005) | 0000000231 | UE | |
Scientific Computing 1 (IN2005) | 0000001358 | VO | |
Seminar Course - Fundamentals of Wave Simulation - Solving Hyperbolic Systems of PDEs (IN2183, IN2107) | 0000000665 | SE |
Summer term 2025
Title | Course no. | Type | Lecturer (assistant) |
Algorithms for Scientific Computing (IN2001) | 0000002480 | VI | |
B.Sc. Seminar - High-Performance Computing (IN0014, IN4952) | 0000003260 | SE | |
M.Sc. Seminar: Modern Trends in High Performance Computing (IN218305, IN2107) | 0000002603 | SE |
Publications (Journals, Proceedings, Book Contributions)
- Fused GEMMs towards an efficient GPU implementation of the ADER-DG method in SeisSol. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 36 (12), 2024, e8037 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- 3D wave propagation and earthquake dynamic rupture simulations in complex poroelastic media. EarthArXiv , 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- The EU Center of Excellence for Exascale in Solid Earth (ChEESE): Implementation, results, and roadmap for the second phase. Future Generation Computer Systems 146, 2023, 47-61 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Numerical Simulations of Seismoacoustic Nuisance Patterns from an Induced M 1.8 Earthquake in the Helsinki, Southern Finland, Metropolitan Area. Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 113 (4), 2023, 1596-1615 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Efficient GPU Offloading with OpenMP for a Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes – HPC Algorithms and Applications. In: High Performance Computing. Springer (13948. edn.), 2023, 65-85 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- An efficient ADER-DG local time stepping scheme for 3D HPC simulation of seismic waves in poroelastic media. Journal of Computational Physics 455, 2022, 110886 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elastodynamics in 3D geometrically complex elastic solids using physics based numerical fluxes. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 389, 2022, 114386 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Asynchronous Workload Balancing through Persistent Work-Stealing and Offloading for a Distributed Actor Model Library. 2022 IEEE/ACM Parallel Applications Workshop: Alternatives To MPI+X (PAW-ATM), 2022SC22 Workshops more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- An environment for sustainable research software in Germany and beyond: current state, open challenges, and call for action. F1000Research 9 (295), 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Doubt and Redundancy Kill Soft Errors—Towards Detection and Correction of Silent Data Corruption in Task-based Numerical Software. 2021 IEEE/ACM 11th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS), 2021Workshop at the SC21 Supercomputing Conference more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- SeisSol on Distributed Multi-GPU Systems: CUDA Code Generation for the Modal Discontinuous Galerkin Method. HPC Asia 2021: The International Conference on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific Region, ACM, 2021, 69-82 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- 3D acoustic-elastic coupling with gravity: the dynamics of the 2018 Palu, Sulawesi earthquake and tsunami. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, Association for Computing Machinery, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Predictive, reactive and replication-based load balancing of tasks in Chameleon and sam(oa)2. Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, ACM, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- High Performance Uncertainty Quantification with Parallelized Multilevel Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC21) (SC '21), Association for Computing Machinery, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Lightweight task offloading exploiting MPI wait times for parallel adaptive mesh refinement. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience 32 (24), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A stable discontinuous Galerkin method for the perfectly matched layer for elastodynamics in first order form. Numerische Mathematik 146, 2020, 729-782 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- ExaHyPE: An Engine for Parallel Dynamically Adaptive Simulations of Wave Problems. Computer Physics Communications 254, 2020, 107251 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- CHAMELEON: Reactive Load Balancing for Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Task-Parallel Applications. Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 138, 2020, 55-64 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Linked 3D modeling of megathrust earthquake-tsunami events: from subduction to tsunami run up. Geophysical Journal International 224 (1), 2020, 487-516 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Yet Another Tensor Toolbox for Discontinuous Galerkin Methods and Other Applications. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 46 (4), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Vectorization and Minimization of Memory Footprint for Linear High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes. The 21st IEEE International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Scientific and Engineering Computing (PDSEC-2020), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Evaluation of Multiple HPC Parallelization Frameworks in a Shallow Water Proxy Application with Multi-Rate Local Time Stepping. Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI (PAW-ATM), IEEE/ACM sigARCH, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Reactive Task Migration for Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Applications. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12044), Springer, 2020Bialystok, Poland, 59-71 more… BibTeX
- Role-Oriented Code Generation in an Engine for Solving Hyperbolic PDE Systems. Tools and Techniques for High Performance Computing, 2020International Workshop on Software Engineering for HPC-Enabled Research (SE-HER 2019), 111-128 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- TeaMPI - Replication-based Resilience without the (Performance) Pain. High Performance Computing 35th International Conference, ISC High Performance 2020 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12151), 2020 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- A High-Order Discontinuous Galerkin Solver with Dynamic Adaptive Mesh Refinement to Simulate Cloud Formation Processes. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics: 13th International Conference, PPAM 2019 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12043), Springer, 2020Bialystok, Poland, 311-323 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Optimization and Local Time Stepping of an ADER-DG Scheme for Fully Anisotropic Wave Propagation in Complex Geometries. Computational Science - ICCS 2020 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 12139), Springer, 2020, 32-45 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Studies on the energy and deep memory behaviour of a cache-oblivious, task-based hyperbolic PDE solver. The International Journal of High Performance Computing Applications 33 (5), 2019, 973-986 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A simple diffuse interface approach on adaptive Cartesian grids for the linear elastic wave equations with complex topography. Journal of Computational Physics 386, 2019, 158-189 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A Generic Interface for Godunov-Type Finite Volume Methods on Adaptive Triangular Meshes. Computational Science – ICCS 2019 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11537), 2019Track of Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Applications and Frameworks more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- A UPC++ Actor Library and Its Evaluation on a Shallow Water Proxy Application. 2019 IEEE/ACM Parallel Applications Workshop, Alternatives To MPI (PAW-ATM), IEEE/ACM/SigArch, 2019SC19 Workshops, 11-24 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Efficient Implementation of ADER Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for a Scalable Hyperbolic PDE Engine. Axioms 7 (3), 2018, 63 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- ADER-DG with a-posteriori Finite-Volume limiting to simulate tsunamis in a parallel adaptive mesh refinement framework. Computers & Fluids 173, 2018, 299-306 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Hybrid MPI+OpenMP Reactive Work Stealing in Distributed Memory in the PDE Framework sam(oa)^2. 2018 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), 2018 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Shallow Water Waves on a Deep Technology Stack: Accelerating a Finite Volume Tsunami Model Using Reconfigurable Hardware in Invasive Computing. Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing Workshops (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10659), Springer International Publishing, 2018Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 676-687 more… BibTeX
- Influence of A-Posteriori Subcell Limiting on Fault Frequency in Higher-Order DG Schemes. 2018 IEEE/ACM 8th Workshop on Fault Tolerance for HPC at eXtreme Scale (FTXS), IEEE TCHPC, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Simulation of tsunamis with the exascale hyperbolic PDE engine ExaHyPE. Environmental Informatics: Techniques and Trends. Adjunct Proceedings of the 32nd edition of the EnviroInfo., Shaker Verlag, 2018Garching, Germany more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Vectorization of Riemann solvers for the single- and multi-layer Shallow Water Equations. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS), IEEE, 2018, 415-422 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- A Large-Scale Malleable Tsunami Simulation Realized on an Elastic MPI Infrastructure. Proceedings of the Computing Frontiers Conference, CF'17, ACM, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Load Balancing and Patch-Based Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Tsunami Simulation on Heterogeneous Platforms Using Xeon Phi Coprocessors. PASC'17 - Proceedings of the Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference, ACM, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Extreme Scale Multi-Physics Simulations of the Tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra Megathrust Earthquake. SC '17: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, ACM, 2017Denver, USA more… BibTeX
- Invasive computing for timing-predictable stream processing on MPSoCs. it - Information Technology 58 (6), 2016, 267-280 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- ASAGI - A Parallel Server for Adaptive Geoinformation. EASC '16 Proceedings of the Exascale Applications and Software Conference 2016, ACM, 2016 more… BibTeX
- Exploiting the Space Filling Curve Ordering of Particles in the Neighbour Search of Gadget3. Parallel Computing: On the Road to Exascale (Advances in Parallel Computing 27), IOS Press, 2016 more… BibTeX
- Generating high performance matrix kernels for earthquake simulations with viscoelastic attenuation. Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), IEEE, 2016Innsbruck, Austria, 908–916 more… BibTeX
- High Order Seismic Simulations on the Intel Xeon Phi Processor (Knights Landing). High Performance Computing: 31st International Conference, ISC High Performance 2016 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9697), 2016 more… BibTeX
- SWE-X10: Simulating shallow water waves with lazy activation of patches using ActorX10. Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Extreme Scale Programming Models and Middleware, IEEE, 2016Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 32-39 more… BibTeX
- ActorX10: An Actor Library for X10. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on X10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2016Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 24-29 more… BibTeX
- Petascale Local Time Stepping for the ADER-DG Finite Element Method. 2016 IEEE International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- SWE-X10: An Actor-based and Locally Coordinated Solver for the Shallow Water Equations. Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on X10, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), 2016Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 30-31 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- High Performance Seismic Simulations. In: Intel Xeon Phi Processor High Performance Programming - Knights Landing Edition. Morgan Kaufmann, 2016 more… BibTeX
- Parallel, Memory Efficient Adaptive Mesh Refinement on Structured Triangular Meshes with Billions of Grid Cells. ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software 43 (3), 2016, 19:1-19:27 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- 2D adaptivity for 3D problems: Parallel SPE10 reservoir simulation on dynamically adaptive prism grids. Journal of Computational Science 9, 2015, 101-106 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Beacon: Deployment and Application of Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessors for Scientific Computing. Computing in Science and Engineering 17 (2), 2015, 65-72 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Optimizing Large Scale I/O for Petascale Seismic Simulations on Unstructured Meshes. 2015 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), IEEE Xplore, 2015 more… BibTeX
- High-Order ADER-DG Minimizes Energy- and Time-to-Solution of SeisSol. High Performance Computing, 30th International Conference, ISC High Performance 2015, Frankfurt, Germany, July 12-16, 2015, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 9137), Springer, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Cache-Oblivious Spacetree Traversals. In: Encyclopedia of Algorithms. Springer, 2015 more… BibTeX
- Block Fusion on Dynamically Adaptive Spacetree Grids for Shallow Water Waves. Parallel Processing Letters 24 (3), 2014, 1441006 more… BibTeX
- Optimizing a Seismic Wave Propagation Code for PetaScale Simulations. inSIDE - Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland 12 (2), 2014, 5 - 7 more… BibTeX
- Block Fusion on Dynamically Adaptive Spacetree Grids for Shallow Water Waves. Parallel Processing Letters 24 (3), 2014, 1441006 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Vectorization of an Augmented Riemann Solver for the Shallow Water Equations. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on High Performance Computing and Simulation (HPCS 2014), IEEE, 2014 more… BibTeX
- Accelerating SeisSol by Generating Vectorized Code for Sparse Matrix Operators. Parallel Computing - Accelerating Computational Science and Engineering (CSE) (Advances in Parallel Computing 25), IOS Press, 2014 more… BibTeX
- Hardware-aware block size tailoring on adaptive spacetree grids for shallow water waves. HiStencils 2014 - 1st International Workshop on High-Performance Stencil Computations, 2014 more… BibTeX
- Petascale High Order Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Simulations on Heterogeneous Supercomputers. SC '14: Proceedings of the International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis, IEEE, 2014, 3-14 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Sustained Petascale Performance of Seismic Simulations with SeisSol on SuperMUC. Supercomputing - 29th International Conference, ISC 2014 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8488), Springer, 2014 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Shared Memory Parallelization of Fully-Adaptive Simulations Using a Dynamic Tree-Split and -Join Approach. IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC), IEEE Xplore, 2012 more… BibTeX
- Memory-Efficient Sierpinski-Order Traversals on Dynamically Adaptive, Recursively Structured Triangular Grids. Applied Parallel and Scientific Computing - 10th International Conference, PARA 2010 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7134), Springer, 2012 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Invasive Computing on High Performance Shared Memory Systems. Facing the Multicore-Challenge III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7686), 2012 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Teaching Parallel Programming Models on a Shallow-Water Code. ISPDC 2012 - 11th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, IEEE Computer Society, 2012 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- A Software Concept for Cache-Efficient Simulation on Dynamically Adaptive Structured Triangular Grids. Applications, Tools and Techniques on the Road to Exascale Computing (Advances in Parallel Computing 22), IOS Press, 2012 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Invasive Programming as a Concept for HPC. Proceedings of the 10h IASTED International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2011 (PDCN 2011), 2011 more… BibTeX
- Space-Filling Curves. In: Encyclopedia of Parallel Computing. Springer, 2011 more… BibTeX
- Matrix exponentials and parallel prefix computation in a quantum control problem. Parallel Computing 36 (05. Jun), 2010, 359-369 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Dynamically Adaptive Simulations with Minimal Memory Requirement - Solving the Shallow Water Equations Using Sierpinski Curves. SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing 32 (1), 2010, 212-228 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Exploiting memory hierarchies in scientific computing. International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation, 2009. HPCS '09 (IEEE Explore Digital Library), 2009 more… BibTeX
- Towards many-core implementation of LU decomposition using Peano Curves. Conference On Computing Frontiers, UCHPC-MAW '09: Proceedings of the combined workshops on UnConventional high performance computing workshop plus memory access workshop, ACM, 2009 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Efficiency considerations in triangular adaptive mesh refinement. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 367, 2009, 4577-4589 more… BibTeX
- Software Engineering meets Scientific Computing - Group Projects in CSE Education. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 4 (4), 2009, 245-253 more… BibTeX
- Parallelisation of Block Recursive Matrix Multiplication in Prefix Computations. Parallel Computing: Architectures, Algorithms and Applications, Proceedings of the ParCo, Parallel Computing 2007 (NIC Series 38), 2008 more… BibTeX
- Hardware-oriented Implementation of Cache Oblivious Matrix Operations Based on Space-filling Curves. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 7th International Conference, PPAM 2007 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4967), Springer, 2008 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Exploiting the Locality Properties of Peano Curves for Parallel Matrix Multiplication. Euro-Par 2008 -- Parallel Processing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5168), Springer, 2008 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Parallel matrix multiplication based on space-filling curves on shared memory multicore platforms. Proceedings of the 2008 Computing Frontiers Conference and co-located workshops: MAW'08 and WRFT'08, 2008 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Preface - Special Issue on Implementation Aspects in Scientific Computing. International Journal of Computational Science and Engineering 4 (1), 2008 more… BibTeX
- Memory Efficient Adaptive Mesh Generation and Implementation of Multigrid Algorithms Using Sierpinski Curves. 4 (1), 2008, Dez 21 more… BibTeX
- Cache Oblivious Matrix Operations Using Peano Curves. Applied Parallel Computing, State of the Art in Scientific Computing (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4699), 2007 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Memory Efficient Adaptive Mesh Generation and Implementation of Multigrid Algorithms Using Sierpinski Curves. Simulationstechnique -- 19th Symposium in Hannover 2006 (Frontiers in Simulation), SCS Publishing House, 2006 more… BibTeX
- A Cache Oblivious Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication Based on Peano's Space Filling Curve. Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 6th International Conference, PPAM 2005 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3911), 2006 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Efficient Storage and Processing of Adaptive Triangular Grids Using Sierpinski Curves. Computational Science -- ICCS 2006 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3991), Springer, 2006 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI )
- Cache oblivious matrix multiplication using an element ordering based on a Peano curve. Linear Algebra and Its Applications 417 (2--3), 2006, 301--313 more… BibTeX
- A Robust and Parallel Multigrid Method for Convection Diffusion Equations. Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, ETNA 15, 2003 more… BibTeX
- Speeding Up Bayesian Inverse Problems with Fused Simulations. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP24), 2024 more… BibTeX
- Model Flexibility and Performance Portability for Extreme-Scale Earthquake Simulations. HPCSIM - Frontiers of High-Performance Computing in Modeling and Simulation, 2024 more… BibTeX
- Model Flexibility and Performance Portability for Extreme-Scale Earthquake Simulations. 2023 SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, 2023 more… BibTeX
- Doubt and Redundancy Kill Soft Errors - Replication-Based Resilience in ExaHyPE. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP22), 2022 more… BibTeX
- GPU Optimisation of Local Time Stepping on Unstructured Adaptive Meshes. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing (PP22), 2022 more… BibTeX
- ExaSeis: Seismic Wave Propagation and Earthquake Modelling in the ExaHyPE Engine. The PASC21 Conference, 2021 more… BibTeX
- High-Order DG Solvers in ExaHyPE: from Shallow Water to Solid Earth. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS21), 2021 more… BibTeX
- Towards Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engines – Are We Skating to Where the Puck Will Be? Supercomputing Frontiers Europe 2020, 2020 more… BibTeX
- A Simulation Pipeline for the Simulation of Earthquakes and Resulting Tsunamis. SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS19), 2019Houston, USA more… BibTeX
- Challenges for High Order Simulations for Seismology. (Talk / International HPC Summer School 2018) 2018 more… BibTeX
- Extreme Scale Multi-Physics Simulations of the 2004 Sumatra Megathrust Earthquake. (Talk / TUM-IAS Scientists Meet Scientists – Wednesday Coffee Talk) 2018 more… BibTeX
- Predictive Load Balancing vs. Reactive Work Stealing – Parallel AMR and the Chameleon Project. ISC High Performance, 2018Frankfurt am Main, Germany more… BibTeX
- Petascale Earthquake Simulation Using High Order ADER-DG. 18th SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2018 more… BibTeX
- SeisSol: Multi-Physics Earthquake Simulation at Petascale. (Talk / GEAGAM Workshop on Geophysical Applications and HPC) 2017 more… BibTeX
- Extreme-scale Multi-physics Simulation of the 2004 Sumatra Earthquake Using SeisSol. (Talk / ISC High Performance 2017) 2017 more… BibTeX
- Wanted: New Brains for New Racks. (Talk / ISC STEM Student Day & Gala) 2017 more… BibTeX
- It's not an ExaHyPE, yet: ADER-DG on Tree-structured Meshes for an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine. SIAM Annual Meeting 2017, 2017 more… BibTeX
- Towards an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine: High Order ADER-DG on Tree-Structured Cartesian Meshes. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE17), 2017 more… BibTeX
- The ExaHyPE Project - Towards an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine. Workshop on HPC in Atmosphere Modelling and Air Related Environmental Hazards, 2017 more… BibTeX
- Extreme Scaling of an Environmental Model: Seissol. EnviroInfo 2017, 2017 more… BibTeX
- sam(oa)² - Space-Filling Curves and Adaptive Meshes for Oceanic and Other Applications. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences (GS17), 2017 more… BibTeX
- sam(oa)² - Space-Filling Curves and Adaptive Meshes for Oceanic and Other Applications. (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- ADER-DG - a high-order, compute-bound scheme for future supercomputers? (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- Tsunami Simulation for Teaching CSE and HPC. (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- Experiences with Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation on Xeon Phi Platforms. (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- Towards an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine. (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- High-Performance Earthquake Simulation on Xeon Phi Platforms. (Talk) 2016 more… BibTeX
- Vectorization of Riemann Solvers for the Shallow Water Equations. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering, 2015 more… BibTeX
- Performance Optimzation vs. Power - Experiences with Petascale Earthquake Simulations on SuperMUC. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Simulations on Petascale Heterogeneous Supercomputers. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- 2D Adaptivity for 2.5D Flow Problems. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- Vectorization of Riemann Solvers for the Shallow Water Equations. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- Space-Filling Curves and Adaptive Meshes for Oceanic and Other Applications. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- Earthquake Simulations at Petascale - Optimizing High Order ADER-DG in SeisSol. (Talk) 2015 more… BibTeX
- On the Performance of Adaptive Mesh-Based Simulations on Modern HPC Architectures. SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing in Scientific Computing - SIAM PP 2014, 2014 more… BibTeX
- Petascale Earthquake Simulations with SeisSol. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Sustained Petascale Performance of Seismic Simulations with SeisSol. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Vectorization of an Augmented Riemann Solver for the Shallow Water Equations. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Achieving Petascale Performance with SeisSol on SuperMUC. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Parallel Adaptive Simulation of Earthquake–Tsunami Events. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Optimizing a Dynamic Rupture and Earthquake Simulation Code for SuperMUC, Tianhe-2 and Stampede. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Petascale High Order Dynamic Rupture Earthquake Simulations on Heterogeneous Supercomputers. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Large Scale Earthquake Simulation on Supercomputing Platforms. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Sustained Petascale Performance of Seismic Simulations with SeisSol on SuperMUC. (Talk) 2014 more… BibTeX
- Parallelization and Performance Issues in Adaptive Simulation of Wave Propagation. (Talk) 2013 more… BibTeX
- Exploiting locality properties of space-filling curves in scientific computing. (Talk) 2013 more… BibTeX
- Sierpinski Curves and Triangle Strips for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement. (Talk) 2013 more… BibTeX
- Parallelization and Software Concepts for Memory-Efficient Dynamically Adaptive Grid Traversals. (Talk) 2012 more… BibTeX
- Teaching Parallel Programming Models on a Shallow-Water Code. (Talk) 2012 more… BibTeX
- Parallelization and Software Concepts for Tsunami Simulation on Dynamically Adaptive Triangular Grids. (Talk) 2012 more… BibTeX
- Simulations on Dynamically Adaptive Meshes: From Algorithms to Software. (Talk) 2011 more… BibTeX
- A Space-Filling-Curve Approach for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Tsunami Simulaton. (Talk) 2011 more… BibTeX
- Parallelisation of Recursively Structured Adaptive Grids using Space-filling Curves. (Talk) 2010 more… BibTeX
- Memory-Efficient Sierpinski-order Traversals on Dynamically Adaptive, Recursively Structured Triangular Grids. (Talk) 2010 more… BibTeX
- Memory-Efficient Sierpinski-order Traversals on Dynamically Adaptive, Recursively Structured Triangular Grids. (Talk) 2010 more… BibTeX
- Dynamically Adaptive Simulations with Minimal Memory Requirement. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Cache Oblivious Matrix Algorithms Based on Peano Curves. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Academic Careers in CSE - A German View. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Sierpinski Curves and Recursively Structured Adaptive Grids for Tsunami Simulation. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Cache-Oblivious Multicore Implementations of LU and ILU Decomposition on Dense and Sparse Matrices. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Towards Parallelisation of Recursively Structured Adaptive Grids using Space-filling Curves. (Talk) 2009 more… BibTeX
- Exploiting the Locality Properties of Peano Curves for Parallel Matrix Multiplication. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Raumfüllende Kurven als Grundlage effizienter Algorithmen im Wissenschaftlichen Rechnen. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Parallel Dense and Sparse Matrix Multiplication in a Quantum Control Problem. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Memory and Cache Efficient Grid Generation Based on Sierpinski Curves for the Simulation of Dynamically Adaptive Problems. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Cache Oblivious Dense and Sparse Matrix Multiplication based on Peano Curves. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- New Algorithmic Approaches for High Performance Computing. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Space-Filling Curves and Their Applications in Scientific Computing. (Talk) 2008 more… BibTeX
- Einsatz raumfüllender Kurven zur Entwicklung effizienter Algorithmen im Wissenschaftlichen Rechnen. (Talk) 2007 more… BibTeX
- Hardware-oriented Implementation of Cache Oblivious Matrix Operations Based on Space-filling Curves. (Talk) 2007 more… BibTeX
- Parallelisation of Block Recursive Matrix Multiplication in Prefix Computations. (Talk) 2007 more… BibTeX
- Cache Oblivious Matrix Operations Using Peano Curves. (Talk) 2006 more… BibTeX
- Iterative Solutions of Linear Systems. (Talk) 2006 more… BibTeX
- Efficient Storage and Processing of Adaptive Triangular Grids Using Sierpinski Curves. (Talk) 2006 more… BibTeX
- Memory Efficient Adaptive Mesh Generation and Implementation of Multigrid Algorithms Using Sierpinski Curves. (Talk) 2006 more… BibTeX
- Peano Curves and Cache Oblivious Multiplication of Full and Sparse Matrices. (Talk) 2005 more… BibTeX
- A Cache Oblivious Algorithm for Matrix Multiplication Based on Peano's Space Filling Curve. (Talk) 2005 more… BibTeX
- Mehrgitterverfahren. (Talk) 2003 more… BibTeX
- Convection Problems and Total Semicoarsening. (Talk) 2002 more… BibTeX
- A Robust and Parallel Multigrid Method for Convection Diffusion Equations. (Talk) 2001 more… BibTeX
- An Octree-Based Approach for Fast Elliptic Solvers. (Talk) 2001 more… BibTeX
- A Fast Solver for Convection Diffusion Equations Based on Nested Dissection with Incomplete Elimination. (Talk) 2000 more… BibTeX
- Iterative Nested Dissection on Hierarchical Bases and Generating Systems. (Talk) 2000 more… BibTeX
- An algebraic Multigrid Method with fixed Coarse Grid Selection for Convection Diffusion Equations. (Talk) 1999 more… BibTeX
- Fast PDE Solvers Based on Nested Dissection and Hierarchical Bases. (Talk) 1999 more… BibTeX
- Hierarchical Bases for the Indefinite Helmholtz Equation. (Talk) 1998 more… BibTeX
- Parallel uncertainty quantification with fused simulations. International Conference on Data-Integrated Simulation Science (SimTech2023), 2023 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Using code-transformation and CUDA graphs to optimize 3D elastic-acoustic simulations on Nvidia DGX A100. GPU technology conference (GTC) 2022, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- An Efficient ADER-DG Scheme for Simulation of Seismic Waves in Poroelastic Media. SSA Annual Meeting 2022, 2022Bellevue, Washington, USA more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Wave propagation in anisotropic and poroelastic media using high order ADER-DG. ISC High Performance 2021, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Role-Oriented Code Generation in ExaHyPE. SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering 2021, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Solving Hyperbolic PDE Systems with ExaHyPE. 2020 SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Elastic-Acoustic Coupling for 3D Tsunamigenic Earthquake Simulations with ADER-DG on Unstructured Tetrahedral Meshes. AGU Fall Meeting, 2019San Francisco, USA more… BibTeX
- ExaSeis: A dynamically adaptive discontinuous Galerkin framework for the simulation of earthquakes with mesh generation avoiding schemes. AGU Fall Meeting, AGU, 2019San Francisco, US more… BibTeX
- The ExaHyPE Hyperbolic PDE-Engine: Mesh generation avoiding schemes for the Earthquake simulation in Alpine Regional Areas. EGU 2019, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- EASI - A library for the easy setup of large scale earthquake simulations and other applications. deRSE19, 2019Potsdam more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Extreme scale multi-physics simulations of the tsunamigenic 2004 Sumatra megathrust earthquake. SuperMUC Status and Results Workshop, 2018 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- ExaHyPE - Towards an Exascale Hyperbolic PDE Engine. 2016 more… BibTeX
- High performance earthquake simulations in viscoelastic media using SeisSol. SCEC Annual Meeting, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- IPCC ExScaMIC: Extreme Scaling of SeisSol on SuperMUC. The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis 2015Austin more… BibTeX
- Dynamically Adaptive, Parallel Simulation of Two Phase Porous Media Flow in a Quarter Five Spot Problem. CMWR 2014 2014Universität Stuttgart more… BibTeX
- Adaptivity vs. Vectorization - Towards High-Performance Shallow Water Simulations. SIAM Annual Meeting (AN14) 2014Chicago more… BibTeX
- Optimized Kernels for large scale earthquake simulations with SeisSol, an unstructured ADER-DG code. Supercomputing 2013, The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis., IEEE, 2013 more… BibTeX
- Optimising a Cartesian Shallow-Water Code on Hybrid Architectures. SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2013 more… BibTeX
- Simulation of Tsunamigenic Earthquakes in the ASCETE Project. Extreme Events: Modeling, Analysis, and Prediction 2013Hannover more… BibTeX
- A Software Concept for Cache-Efficient Adaptive PDE Solvers -- Applied to Porous Media Flow. ASIM 2011 2011Technische Universität München more… BibTeX
Supervised Dissertations
- A Fully Coupled Model for Petascale Earthquake-Tsunami and Earthquake-Sound Simulations. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Adapting and Optimizing High Order Seismic Simulations for GPU-based Supercomputers. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- High-Performance Earthquake Simulations with Advanced Material Models. Dissertation, 2024 more… BibTeX Full text ( DOI ) Full text (mediaTUM)
- Reactive Load Balancing and Resilience Techniques in Simulation Applications on Supercomputers. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX
- Earthquake and Tsunami Simulation with high-order ADER-DG methods. Dissertation, 2022 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Template-based code generation for a customizable high-performance hyperbolic PDE engine. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Evaluation of the Actor Model for the Parallelization of Block-Structured Adaptive HPC Applications. Dissertation, 2021 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Flexible model extension and optimisation for earthquake simulations at extreme scales. Dissertation, 2020 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Vectorization and Patch-Based Adaptive Mesh Refinement for Finite Volume Solvers. Dissertation, 2019 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Scalable I/O on Modern Supercomputers for Simulations on Unstructured Meshes. Dissertation, 2018 more… BibTeX
- Analysis and Optimization of the Offline Software of the ATLAS Experiment at CERN. Dissertation, 2017 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- Sierpinski Curves for Parallel Adaptive Mesh Refinement in Finite Element and Finite Volume Methods. Dissertation, 2016 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)
- High Performance Earthquake Simulations. Dissertation, 2015 more… BibTeX Full text (mediaTUM)