Santiago Narváez, M.Sc.
Technische Universität München
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Office: MI 02.05.061
Mail: narvaez (at)
Tel: +49-89-289-18626
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office Hours: by arrangement
ORCid: 0009-0008-2864-156X
Other pages: GitHub, LRZ GitLab
- Doctoral candidate, GC-CIT.
- Research Associate (Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter) at TUM SCCS since 2019
- M.Sc. in Computational Science and Engineering, Technical University of Munich, 2019
- Bachelors degree in Electronical and Telecommunications Engineering from Universidad del Cauca, Colombia (webpages in Spanish)
- As you might have guessed from the previous point, I am from Colombia (specifically from Popayán)
Research Interests
- Parallel Programming, C++, and MPI.
- High Performance Computing (HPC).
- I was part of the Invasive Computing project. Nowadays I focus on creating small libraries to facilitate the developement of invasive/elastic/malleable MPI applications.
I was part of the Invasive Computing project, where different tools were developed to enable MPI malleable applications. Nowadays I focus on creating libraries to faciliatte the developement of malleable applications (e.g., helping with data redistribution).
Through the years I have been helping and/or in charge of several courses. In the last couple of years I have focused mainly in our Advanced Programming lecture (intended to introduce C++ to people), and bachelor and master seminars in HPC.
WS 24/25
- Advanced Programming (see our Moodle page).
- CSE Primer (see our Moodle page).
Summer semester 2024
- Supervisor B.Sc. Seminar - High-Performance Computing.
- Supervisor M.Sc. Seminar - Modern trends in High Performance Computing
Winter semester 2023/24
- Tutor Advanced Programming.
- Tutor Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems
Summer semester 2023
- Break for internship. No teaching activity.
Winter semester 2022/23
- Tutor Advanced Programming.
- Tutor Turbulent Flow Simulation on HPC-Systems.
Summer semester 2022
- Supervisor B.Sc. Seminar - High-Performance Computing.
- Supervisor M.Sc. Seminar - Modern trends in High Performance Computing
Winter semester 2021/22
- Tutor Parallel Numerics.
Summer semester 2021
- Supervisor B.Sc. Seminar - High-Performance Computing.
- Supervisor M.Sc. Seminar - Modern trends in High Performance Computing
Winter semester 2020/21
- Tutor Parallel Numerics.
Summer semester 2020
- Algorithms for Scientific Computing.
Winter semester 2019/20
- Tutor Parallel Numerics.
Open and Running Student Projects
Open Hiwi positions
There are currently no open positions.
Open student projects
Topics change (frequently) with my ongoing work and depend mostly on the interests and experience of the student. It is best to contact me directly if you are interested in a thesis or student project. Please include a short CV and a grade report, to easlily evaluate whether any topic might suit you.
Running student projects
- Leonard Evers is doing a review of different data redistribution algorithms developed through the years. The temporary title of his bachelor thesis is "A review of data redistribution algorithms using block-cyclic distributions"
- Chang-Gen Lai is developing a simulation to evaluate a data distribution library developed by us. The temporary title of his master thesis is "Performance evaluation of the Reshuffle data-redistribution library"
- Tim Alexander Meyerhoff is comparing some elastic MPI implementations to determine how feasible is to work applications for them. The temporary title of his bachelor thesis is "A Comparison of Elastic MPI Implementations"
- Thomas Beranek is doing an external master thesis titled "AI-Assisted Scheduling for ADAS Traffic Simulations"
- Huaiwei Zhang implemented a molecular dynamics simulation code for a system developed during the invasive computing project. Find the thesis here
Radu Raicea further improved the molecular dynamic simulation code, enabling dynamic load balancing. Find the thesis here
Lukas Kirchmair migrated large portions of the C++ standard library to enable the compilation of LAMMPS in a system developed during the invasive computing project. Find the thesis here
- Siguenza-Torres, A., Wieder, A., Meng, Z., Narvaez Rivas, S., Gao, M., Grossi, M., ... & Knoll, A. (2024). ENHANCE: Multilevel Heterogeneous Performance-Aware Re-Partitioning Algorithm For Microscopic Vehicle Traffic Simulation. ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation.
- John, J., Narvaez, S., & Gerndt, M. (2020). Invasive computing for power corridor management. In Parallel Computing: Technology Trends (pp. 386-395). IOS Press.