Technische Universität München
TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching
Office: MI 02.05.053
Mail: oberstei (at)
Tel: +49-89-289-18603
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office Hours: by arrangement
- Started stuides in Biochemistry in 2010
- Switched to Computer Science in 2011 and finished M.Sc. in 2016
- Currently working on my dissertation in Computer Science with a focus on high dimensional numerics and the Sparse Grid Combination Technique
Research interests
- Molecular Dynamics
- Combination technique
- Sparse Grids Methods
- Machine Learning
DisCoTec (distributed Combination Technique):
A C++ code that targets exascale computing with the Combination Technique for time-dependent PDEs. It was created in the course of the EXAHD project founded by the DFT and was part of SPPEXA. The code is parallelized via MPI and offers massively parallel execution of PDEs with arbitrary black box solvers that are provided by the user and integrated via adapters. The code is open-source and can be found on Github:
sparseSpACE (the Sparse Grid spatially adaptive combination environment):
A python code that implements the spatially adaptive variants of the Combination Technique developed during my disseration. It is designed to support arbitrary operations on the generated grids so that it potentially targets all Sparse Grid and Combination Technique applications. Currently there are implementations for numerical integration and interpolation, Uncertainty Quantification, Machine Learning with Density Estimation and PDE simulations. The code is open-source and published on Github:
- Übungsleitung Algorithms for Scientific Computing SS18, SS19
- Übungsleitung Numerisches Programmieren SoSe 2017, WiSe 2017/18, WiSe 2018/2019, WiSe 2019/2020
- Tutor Diskrete Strukturen, WiSe 2016/2017
Tutor for many years in Numerical Programming
Finished Student Projects