MSc (Keefe) Qunsheng Huang

Technical University of Munich

TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Office: MI 02.05.043
Mail: huangq (at)
Tel: +49-89-289-18636 (usually easier to reach me via email)

ORCid: 0000-0002-1289-6559
Other pages: GitHub


Research interests

  • Quantum Algorithms
  • Circuit Optimization
  • Qubit Routing
  • Diagrammatic Languages
  • HPC



Winter semester 2021/22

Summer semester 2021

Winter semester 2020/21

Summer semester 2020

Student Projects


  • Andrea de Girolamo: Hybrid tensor network contraction methods for quantum supremacy circuits. Studien thesis, 2023 more…
  • David Winderl: On the Architecture-Aware Synthesis of Pauli Polynomials. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Fabian Putterer: High Performance Contraction of Brickwall Quantum Circuits for Riemannian Optimization. Master thesis, 2023 more…
  • Fabian Putterer: High Performance Contraction of Brickwall Quantum Circuits for Riemannian Optimization. Studien thesis, 2023 more…
  • Oguzcan Kırmemis: Optimization of the Hamiltonian Formulation for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem. Master thesis, 2023 more…


  • David Tellenbach: Canonicalization of Loop-free Tensor Networks. Master thesis, 2022 more…


  • Fabian Putterer: Optimization of Quantum Circuits using Diagrammatic Calculi. Studien thesis, 2021 more…



  • Richard M. Milbradt; Qunsheng Huang; Christian B. Mendl: State diagrams to determine tree tensor network operators. SciPost Physics Core 7, 2024, 036 more…


  • Seitz, Philipp; Medina, Ismael; Cruz, Esther; Huang, Qunsheng; Mendl, Christian B.: Simulating quantum circuits using tree tensor networks. Quantum 7, 2023, 964 more…


  • Qunsheng Huang, Christian Mendl: Classical simulation of quantum circuits using a multi-qubit Bloch vector representation of density matrices. Physical Review A (105), 2022 more…


  • Qunsheng Huang; Amine Abdelmoula; Gerasimos Chourdakis; Juergen Rauleder; Benjamin Uekermann: CFD/CSD coupling for an isolated rotor using preCICE. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WCCM), 2021 more…


  • Peer Breier; Qunsheng Huang; Moritz Krügener; Oleksander Voloshyn; Mengjie Zhao: Machine Learning and Simulation for Grid Optimization. Projekt thesis, 2019 more…
  • Qunsheng Huang: Loose Coupling of Isolated Rotorblade Rotorcraft CFD/CSD Simulations using preCICE. Master thesis, 2019 more…


  • Qunsheng Huang: Qaintum: A Julia-based Simulation Framework for Quantum Circuits. APS March Meeting 2021 , 2021 more…