Prof. Dr. Felix Dietrich


Technische Universität München

TUM School of CIT
Department of Computer Science
Boltzmannstrasse 3
85748 Garching

Tel: +49-89-289-18638
Fax: +49-89-289-18607
Office: MI 02.05.041
Email: felix.dietrich (at)

Office Hours: by arrangement (email)

Student projects

Please use the thesis registration form to apply.

There are several topics for Master's theses (they can be scaled down for Bachelor's theses as well) listed on the website of the Physics-Enhanced Machine Learning group.

Currently Teaching

Winter term 2023/24

TitleTypeLecturer (assistant)
Master-Praktikum - Machine Learning in Crowd Modeling & Simulation (IN2106, IN4267)PR
  • F. Dietrich [L]
  • I. Burak
  • C. Datar
  • Q. Sun

Summer term 2024

TitleTypeLecturer (assistant)
Master-Praktikum - Machine Learning in Crowd Modeling & Simulation (IN2106, IN4267)PR
  • F. Dietrich [L]
  • I. Burak
  • C. Datar
  • K. Gaddameedi
  • Q. Sun
  • S. Wolf