At our chair we are constantly looking for motivated students. Just have a look at our research topics below and don't hesitate to drop by and discuss how you can get involved.
Student Projects? Here?? Of course!!!
This page is intended for all students who would like to do
any kind of student project
(Bachelor/Master/Diploma thesis, semester project, guided research, ...)
in (almost) any kind of program
(Informatics, Mathematics, CSE)
or work as a student research assistant at our chair.
As we consider individual preferences and interests for specific topics more important than formal frameworks, we usually do not announce specific projects, but provide a list of topics, instead, where you could work on.
Hence, if you're interested in one of the topics listed below, just contact us by email!
(The SCCS Colloquium is a further opportunity to inform yourself about current topics for projects at our chair; guests are always welcome!)
For examples of previous student projects, see our page on Publications, in particular Student Theses: Diploma, Master, Bachelor, SEP, IDP
Beside the listed topics for diploma and master theses below, individual topics and suggestions are appreciated and welcome as well! Just contact one of our team so that we can discuss your ideas!
Supervision & data processing agreement
Before registering a thesis, we need to answer questions regarding processing of your personal data and copyright such as: May we publish your name and thesis title on MediaTUM? Do you want us to publish the written thesis as a PDF on MediaTUM? Can we use the source code you produce during your thesis work for our future research? If you allow us to publish the final PDF and use your source code, then it is much easier for us to continue your work after you leave, because new students will be able to read about it.
If you are doing a thesis at our chair, please complete this form, sign it, and send it to your supervisor: Download pdf here If you have questions, please don't hesitate to ask your supervisor.
List of completed student projects at the chair
You can also view the list of student projects completed at the chair on MediaTUM