Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

SCCS Colloquium |

Karan Shah: Training Dynamic Neural Networks

Master's thesis presentation. Karan is advised by Chinmay Datar, and Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Alexander Sytche: Benchmarking of an ADER-DG Solver for Hyperbolic Equations in the Context of Tsunami Simulations

Master's thesis presentation. Alexander is advised by Marc Marot-Lassauzaie.

SCCS Colloquium |

Philipp Kretz: Modelling and Coupled Simulation of a Thermal and Electrochemical System

Master's thesis presentation. Philipp is advised by Gerasimos Chourdakis.

SCCS Colloquium |

Paul Wiessner: Anomaly Detection from Stream Data under Uncertainty

Master's thesis presentation. Paul is advised by Sana Sellami , and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.

SCCS Colloquium |

Ahmed Sami Fouad: Optimizing GPU Offloading with CUDA for a Patch-based Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver in ExaHyPE

Guided research presentation. Ahmed is advised by Mario Wille.

SCCS Colloquium |

Siba Zgheib: Multi-GPU Implementation of a Hyperbolic Finite Volume Solver in ExaHyPE

Master's thesis presentation. Siba is advised by Mario Wille, and Prof. Dr. Michael Bader.

SCCS Colloquium |

Kushal Dhungana: Comparison of Training Techniques in Neural Architecture Search

Master's thesis presentation. Kushal is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Ujwal Shende: Avalanche Simulation Using the Shallow-Water Equations in ExaHyPE

Master's thesis presentation. Ujwal is advised by Mario Wille, and Prof. Dr. Michael Bader.

SCCS Colloquium |

Yakup Koray Budanaz: Improved GPU Kernel Generation for SeisSol using Loop-over-GEMM and Sparse-Matrix Operations

Master's thesis presentation. Yakup is advised by Ravil Dorozhinskii, David Schneller, and Prof. Dr. Michael Bader.

SCCS Colloquium |

Jyotishman Hazarika: Identification of Stochastic Differential Equations with Lévy Noise

Guided research presentation. Jyotishman is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich.