Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

SCCS Colloquium |

Johannes Kroll: MPI-Parallel tuning strategies for inhomogeneous scenarios in AutoPas

Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Johannes is advised by Fabio Gratl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Philipp Seitz: Simulation of Quantum Circuits with Tree Tensor Networks

Master's thesis talk. Philipp is advised by Prof. Christian Mendl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Aurangzeb Rathore: Adaptive Multifidelity Deep Gaussian Process for Uncertainty Quantification

Master's thesis talk. Aurangzeb is advised by Kislaya Ravi.

SCCS Colloquium |

Manuel Schnaus: Towards Resilience Methods for Simulation Applications based on Actor Replication

Bachelor’s thesis talk (Informatics: Games Engineering). Manuel is advised by Philipp Samfass and Mario Wille.

SCCS Colloquium |

Johanna Schinabeck: Classification of Ising phases for the purpose of transfer learning using neural networks

Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Johanna is advised by Irene López Gutiérrez.

SCCS Colloquium |

Daniil Teplitskiy: Quantum tomography of spin glasses via time-delayed measurements

Bachelor's thesis talk. Daniil is advised by Irene López Gutiérrez.

SCCS Colloquium |

Maximilian Michallik: Adaptive Regression with the Spatially Adaptive Combination Technique

Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics). Maximilian is advised by Michael Obersteiner.

SCCS Colloquium |

Nikola Wullenweber: High-order time stepping schemes for solving partial differential equations with FEniCS

Bachelor’s Thesis submission talk (Informatics). Nikola is advised by Benjamin Rodenberg.

SCCS Colloquium |

Tao Xiang: Extending a Newton-CG Second-order Optimizer to Natural Language Processing

Bachelor's thesis talk. Tao is advised by Severin Reiz.

SCCS Colloquium |

Nikola Nincic: Evaluation of Modern PGAS Libraries for Work Stealing in Distributed Memory

Bachelor's thesis submission talk (Informatics: Games Engineering), advised by Philipp Samfass.