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Master's thesis presentation. Atalay is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich. [read more]
Master's thesis presentation. Tong Yan is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich. [read more]
Bachelor's thesis presentation. Paul is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich. [read more]
Guided research presentation. Andrea is advised by Keefe Huang. [read more]
Bachelor's thesis presentation. Arda is advised by Irene Lopez Gutierrez. [read more]
Master's thesis presentation. Julia is advised by Dr. Ionut-Gabriel Farcas, Dr. Tobias Neckel and Prof. Frank Jenko. [read more]
Master's thesis presentation. František is advised by Severin Reiz. [read more]
Master's thesis presentation. David is advised by Lukas Krenz. [read more]
Introductory presentation for an external Master's thesis. Kai is advised by Prof. Bader, Dr. Ban-Sok Shin and Sebastian Wolf. [read more]
Master's thesis presentation. Markus is advised by Gerasimos Chourdakis. [read more]