Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

SCCS Colloquium |

Emin Mrkonja: Approximating Solutions of Wave Equations Using DeepONets

Master's thesis presentation. Emin is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Amine Bentellis: Impact of Different Quantum Hardware Technologies on the Solution Quality of Variational Quantum Algorithms

Master's thesis presentation. Amine is advised by Prof. Dr. Christian B. Mendl, PD Dr. habil. Jeanette Miriam Lorenz, and Dr. Andrea Matic-Flierl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Baris Zongur: Unsupervised Segmentation of Light Microscopy Images

Guided research presentation. Baris is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich.

SCCS Colloquium |

Mihail Stoian: On the Optimal Linear Contraction Order of Tree Tensor Networks, and Beyond

Master's thesis presentation. Mihail is advised by Prof. Dr. Christian B. Mendl and Richard Milbradt.

SCCS Colloquium |

Shaoming Zhang: Quantum subroutines for late-NISQ hybrid Hamiltonian simulations

Master's thesis presentation. Shaoming is advised by Prof. Christian Mendl.

SCCS Colloquium |

Omar Ibrahim: A Compilation and Optimization Pipeline for OPENQASM 3.0 using MLIR

Master's thesis presentation. Omar is advised by Martin Knudsen.

SCCS Colloquium |

Daniel Asch: Auto-Tuning Verlet List Skin Lenghts in AutoPas

Bachelor's thesis presentation. Daniel is advised by Prof. Hans-Joachim Bungartz and Samuel Newcome.

SCCS Colloquium |

Philip Hildebrand: Extending the FEniCSx Adapter for the Coupling Library preCICE

Bachelor's thesis presentation. Philip is advised by Ishaan Desai and Benjamin Rodenberg.

SCCS Colloquium |

Tim Mach: Hyperparameter and Performance Tuning for Uncertainty Quantifaction of Seismic Simulations on parallel computers

Bachelor's thesis presentation. Tim is advised by Sebastian Wolf.

SCCS Colloquium |

Andreas Dachsberger: Decentralized Mutual Exclusion for Mobile Robots at Shared Resources in Complex

Master's thesis presentation. Andreas is advised by Dr. Markus Sauer (Siemens) and Prof. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.