Bachelor's thesis submission talk(Informatics: Games Engineering). Raphael is advised by Fabio Gratl.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Raphael Penz: Implementation and Evaluation of Additional Particle Simulation Types with AutoPas
SCCS Colloquium |
The simulation of particles plays a massive role in today's world. From the simulation of water currents in hydrodynamics to the simulation of molecules in molecular dynamics, particle-based simulation techniques find use in many areas. Each simulation needing to fulfill its own specific purposes paired with the broad field of particle simulation applications has led to the creation of a multitude of simulation approaches. This thesis implements and evaluates an additional particle simulation type for AutoPas, an open-source C++ library for delivering optimal node-level performance for particle simulations. The new particle is implemented using the discrete element method and then compared to the pre-existing implementation of a molecular dynamics particle.