Bachelor's thesis presentation. Niklas is advised by Benjamin Rodenberg, and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Niklas Vinnitchenko: Evaluation of higher-order coupling schemes with FEniCS-preCICE
SCCS Colloquium |
Multi-physics problems are often simulated with the help of partitioning to reduce the complexity of this task. Partitioning entails the coupling process. This thesis aims to evaluate the waveform iteration as a higher-order coupling scheme experimentally. For that, the theory of an already existing higher-order monolithic solver for the heat equation, implemented with FEniCS and Irksome, is dissected. Additionally, the partitioning process is described, and the idea of the waveform iteration is discussed. To solve the partitioned heat equation, the monolithic solver is modified to be compatible with FEniCS-preCICE. This allows the functionalites of the coupling library preCICE to be conveniently incorporated in the code. As a central technique to assess the accuracy of the computed solution, the method of manufactured solution is applied exemplarily to the heat equation. Conducted experiments focus on time integrators of higher order and waveform degrees of higher degree. They show that the waveform degree correlates with the convergence order of the solution.