Bachelor's thesis presentation. Marius is advised by Sebastian Wolf.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Marius Bohn: Homogenization of Rapidly Varying Coefficients in Seismic Simulations
SCCS Colloquium |
The accuracy of seismic simulations largely depends on a correct description of the media in which seismic waves propagate. Sampling material parameters only at each mesh element’s barycenter supposedly leads to different kinds of systematic errors in the simulation output. Homogenization has proven to be an effective means of properly averaging distributions of rapidly varying coefficients over arbitrary areas or volumes. This thesis proposes a homogenization approach for distributions of material parameters in elastic, viscoelastic and poroelastic media. The technique is derived and evaluated on a variety of mesh geometries and parameter configurations. In general, it is found to be useful, even though some scenarios and coefficients do not obviously benefit from homogenization. Compared to the state of the art implementation in SeisSol, homogenization produces results of at least equal or superior accuracy at hardly any added cost. Especially in scenarios involving layered material distributions, the homogenized approach delivers outputs that are much more in line with the expected results.