Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

Leon Gambihler: Parallel I/O using a Different File Format for a Hyperbolic PDE Engine

SCCS Colloquium |

ExaHyPE2 is an engine for solving first-degree hyperbolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and can be used for simulating and visualizing real-world phenomena like tsunamis and earthquakes. It is based on its underlying framework, Peano4, which defines and stores the mesh and provides functions for its traversal. The engine currently uses a custom output format, which is not readable without conversion. This work extends the engine and its framework to allow output in a more standardized "Hierarchical Data Format (HDF)" which also supports parallel computing and is complemented by an eXtensible Data Model and Format (XDMF) file to be natively readable by visualization software for scientific data like ParaView. The code is then tested, optimized, and compared in terms of output size and speed to the current format of ExaHyPE2.

Bacelor's thesis presentation. Leon is advised by Marc Marot-Lassauzaie.