Master's thesis presentation. Kadir is advised by Dr. Felix Dietrich.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Kadir Aslan: Infinite Horizon Control Using Koopman Operator Surrogate Models
SCCS Colloquium |
This thesis aims to land a spaceship with Infinite Horizon Control through the use of the Koopman Operator. Koopman Operator lifts the non-linear dynamics of the system into a higher dimensional space so that it can be treated as an approximately linear system. This process speeds the calculations of control inputs for our system. Compared to regular MPC, KMPC gives results a lot faster which is useful for higher degree, nonlinear problems. It is sufficient for the predictors that are derived this way to be approximately linear for a long enough time interval to control over a receding horizon. However, what this thesis is trying to optimize are the linear equations derived from Koopman Operator for Infinite Horizon rather than the receding horizon, so that computational load can be further reduced and made faster. Kerbal Space Program will be used as the simulation tool for this project since it simulates objects using Newtonian dynamics which makes it accurate enough to reflect realistic scenarios. Data collected for the earlier projects with MPC along with the results achieved will be used to compare performances of the MPC, KMPC and IHC approaches to the problem.