Bachelor's thesis presentation. Julia is advised by Dr. Bashar Enjarini, and Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Bungartz.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Julia Bichler: Development of a Responsive Web Interface for Displaying High Resolution Pointclouds
SCCS Colloquium |
This thesis describes the implementation of a web interface to display and interact with pointclouds. After giving an overview of the concept of pointclouds, what ShapeDrives are and how they work, and what the initial state of this web interface looked like, the general structure of the web interface is explained. The thesis also describes the interaction between the Frontend and the Backend and discusses why MQTT and Mosquitto are used for this, what other options for the communication there are, and why they were not used. Then, all the newly implemented Frontend features are described concerning their functionality, their implementation, and the cause for adding them in the first place. Another aspect discussed is the Backend, concretely how it is structured, how it works, why it was implemented that way and how it was compiled, what the difficulties with that were, and how those problems were solved. Since a necessary new functionality that was added is the option of surface reconstruction, this is also explained in more detail by both presenting the mathematical theory behind the chosen algorithms and by describing how they were implemented in the Backend of the web interface. In the end, the efficiency of the Backend is evaluated by investigating how different factors, like the pointcloud source or the different surface reconstruction algorithms, influence the runtime.