Guided research presentation. Jinwen is advised by Vikas Kurapati, Sebastian Wolf and Prof. Dr. Michael Bader.
Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium
Jinwen Pan: Performance Evaluation of Acoustic Material Implementation in SeisSol Using Roofline Model
SCCS Colloquium |
SeisSol is a high-performance computational seismology software to simulate complex earthquake scenarios. It supports various rheologies (elastic, anisotropic elastic, acoustic, viscoelastic, poroelastic), boundary conditions and dynamic rupture laws. The software uses high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretisation with an Arbitrary DERivative (ADER) local time stepping on unstructured adaptive tetrahedral meshes to approximate complex 3D model geometries (faults & topography) and allow rapid model generation. SeisSol follows an MPI+X parallelisation, supporting OpenMP and CUDA (SYCL upcoming) for heterogeneous compute nodes, and exhibits excellent performance and scalability on a suitable range of supercomputing platforms. In the current implementation of SeisSol, an acoustic material is implemented as a subset of elastic material where pressure is equivalent to the normal stresses. This means that all the 9 degrees of freedom (DOFs) pertaining to acoustic materials are required to be updated during the computation even though 4 DOFs are sufficient in practice. Throughout this Guided Research project, we intend to assess the performance of an implementation of the set of acoustic equations with only 4 DOFs using the roofline model and evaluate the performance improvement in comparison to the present 9-DOF implementation.