Previous talks at the SCCS Colloquium

Ishaan Desai: Geometric Aspects of Code Coupling in Magnetic Fusion Applications

SCCS Colloquium |

The flux-coordinate independent (FCI) approach has become a prominent approach to model plasma edge turbulence of tokamaks in diverted magnetic configurations. However, for a comprehensive description, coupling to a core turbulence model is necessary. Designed for closed magnetic field line configurations, these codes are usually based on a field-aligned description. The coupling of the different geometric descriptions raises new questions and challenges. This work explores the coupling of these configurations in a black box fashion using the preCICE library. To analyse geometric aspects of coupling a diffusion equation on a circular geometry is considered as model problem. A coupling between a edge region simulated by a Cartesian grid and a core region simulated by a polar coordinate grid is constructed and verified. Various data mapping methods of the coupling are analysed. Coupling over realistic diverted geometries is also discussed.

(See more student projects on coupled simulations)

Master's thesis submission talk (CSE). Ishaan is advised by Benjamin Uekermann, in collaboration with IPP.