Program Synthesis - Cancelled

Dozent Anastasiia Izycheva
Ort online
Zeit TBD
Module IN0014, IN2107, IN4922


The seminar is cancelled for Summer Semester 2021.


During the seminar we will touch the surface of the current research on program synthesis. We will see several applications and learn about techniques used to generate code automatically.

The seminar is intended for Master students, but advanced Bachelor students are welcome as well.

To get an access to papers in DL ACM and Springer you need to set up proxy.

To give you an idea of what kind of papers will be discussed, here are some examples:


Language: good written English

Study course: Master student in CS, advanced Bachelor student (at least in 5th semester, Informatic)

Helpful preexisting knowledge includes:

  • Verification, logic, semantics, any formal methods class
  • Programming languages principles (type systems, grammars, etc.)
  • Compiler design principles
  • Static analysis and abstract interpretation