ii Research Area: Digital Health Systems
Digital transformation causes tremendous shifts in most of today’s industries, including healthcare. Yet, the healthcare sector is notoriously slow in adopting new technologies and modes of work. Reasons for this are manifold and include, amongst others, the complex nature of care activities, complex value networks, and exceptionally high levels of regulation. Although research has acknowledged the slow pace of innovation in healthcare, the COVID-19 pandemic has recently highlighted that there is still much to be done and researched to facilitate the digitization of the healthcare sector in a meaningful way. Our research in this area focuses on contemporary issues of digital transformation in healthcare. In particular, we create foundational knowledge, design solutions, and approaches surrounding digital technologies in healthcare and their use by humans.
Selected Research Perspectives
Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare

Artificial intelligence (AI) increasingly disseminates into all walks of life, including healthcare. In some narrow application areas, AI now already surpass humans in performance capabilities, like, for example, analyzing echocardiograms. Nevertheless, many challenges regarding the explainability of AI models, privacy and data protection, and the integration of medical domain expertise into AI models remain. We research the design of and medical professionals' interaction with explainable AI approaches, the implementation of informed machine learning approaches in healthcare, and the protection of sensitive health data during the training of AI models.
Gamified Health Information Systems

Gamification describes the utilization of elements typically found in video games to evoke gameful experiences, while also supporting the completion of instrumental tasks. In healthcare settings, gamified information systems are used to support various instrumental outcomes including fostering healthy lifestyle habits, facilitating the rehabilitation from specific medical conditions, or supporting medical professionals in their daily activities. We research human interaction with immersion-related elements of gamification (i.e., narratives, avatars) in systems supporting physical activity and mental health. Further, our research is concerned with the design of gamified information systems that are used in annotation of laparoscopic surgery images.
Genetic Privacy

Driven by rapidly declining costs of analysis and the emergence of new business models, genetic data have become a rich source of information for various applications. Sharing genetic data with third parties can, however, come with various benefits and risks for the disclosing individual themselves and for blood relatives that share parts of their DNA with them. Thus, the sharing of genetic data increasingly generates tensions between personal and interdependent privacy risks and benefits that individuals trade off against each other when considering sharing their genetic data. We research approaches to ensure genetic privacy as well as individuals' sharing behavior regarding genetic data and apparent personal and interdependent privacy risks.
Selected Publications
Medical informed machine learning: A scoping review and future research directions Leiser, F.; Rank, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A. 2023. Artificial Intelligence in Medicine, 145, Art.-Nr.: 102676. doi:10.1016/j.artmed.2023.102676 |
Narrative Transportation in Gamified Information Systems: The Role of Narrative-Task Congruence Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Thiebes, S.; Warsinsky, S. L.; Petter, S.; Sunyaev, A. 2023. Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 1–9, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). doi:10.1145/3544549.3585595 |
Design Concerns for Multiorganizational, Multistakeholder Collaboration: A Study in the Healthcare Industry Thiebes, S.; Gao, F.; Briggs, R. O.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Sunyaev, A. 2023. Journal of Management Information Systems, 40 (1), 239–270. doi:10.1080/07421222.2023.2172771 |
Conceptual Ambiguity Surrounding Gamification and Serious Games in Health Care: Literature Review and Development of Game-Based Intervention Reporting Guidelines (GAMING) Warsinsky, S.; Schmidt-Kraepelin, M.; Rank, S.; Thiebes, S.; Sunyaev, A. 2021. Journal of medical internet research, 23 (9), Art.-Nr.: e30390. doi:10.2196/30390 |
Valuable Genomes: Taxonomy and Archetypes of Business Models in Direct-to-Consumer Genetic Testing Thiebes, S.; Toussaint, P. A.; Ju, J.; Ahn, J.-H.; Lyytinen, K.; Sunyaev, A. 2020. Journal of medical internet research, 22 (1), Article: e14890. doi:10.2196/14890 |