Eva Artinger

Chair for Computer Aided Medical Procedures & Augmented Reality
Fakultät für Informatik
Technische Universität München
Boltzmannstr. 3
85748 Garching bei München
room: MI 00.13.037
phone: +49 89 289 17053
email: artingee(at)
Research Interests
- 2D User Interfaces
- Multitouch and gestural User Interfaces
- Tangible User Interfaces
- User Interface Design
- Human Computer Interaction
- Information Visualization
- Bridging the gap between designer and developer
In verschiedenen Bereichen unseren täglichen Lebens kommt es immer wieder zu unvorhersagbaren Ereignisse, die zu einer Gefährung aller Beteiligten führen. Mündet ein solches Ereignis in einer hohen Zahl an verletzten Personen oder in einer komplexen Situation mit potentiell katastrophaler Folgegefährdung spricht man auch von einer Großlage. Die gemeinsame Vision von SpeedUp ist die integrierte Krisenreaktion der Rettungs- nund Einsatzkräfte durch Einsatz einer von allen Beteiligten akzeptierten organisatiorischen und technischen Gesamtlösung, bei der die Konzeption geeigneter User-Interfaces eine zentrale Rolle spielt. Unsere Vision ist hierbei, mobile und stationäre UIs so in den Einsatzablauf einzubinden, dass eine schnellere Abarbeitung des Katastrophenereignisses und eine beschleunigte Rettung aller verletzten Personen möglich werden. Offizielle Projektseite
Aeroacoustic Tailoring
Multiple 3D user interfaces are investigated to explore 3D scientific simulations, like the visualisation of complex flow fields.
Offizielle Projektseite
Available Student Projects
Interested in a diploma thesis or a term project? See list of topics or let's discuss your own ideas? In addition, please read For Students.
- Counting data on a map on a multitouch table -- DA/MA/BA -- by Moritz Neugebauer
- BA/MA/DA 3D Particle System on a Multitouch Table -- DA/MA/BA -- by Waltraud Sichart
- Multitouch Gesten Leitfaden -- Bachelor Thesis -- by Natascha Abrek
- Bachelorarbeit: Development of a tangible multiplayer Tetris game on a Multitouch Table -- Bachelor Thesis -- by Simon Schenk
- Bachelorarbeit: Entwicklung einer Applikation auf einem Multi-touch Tisch zur Überblickslage in Großschadensereignissen -- Bachelor Thesis -- by Martin Schanzenbach
- Implementation and Evaluation of an innovative multitouch-keyboard based on gestures -- Hiwi -- by Lorenzo Piritano
- Multitouch Keyboard Kinect basiert -- Bachelor Thesis -- by Johannes Roith
- (Collaborative) Design Plattform -- IDP -- by Evi Andergassen-Sölva, Violin Yanev
- Gestyboard 2.0 -- Master Thesis -- by Christian Wiesner
- 3D augmented virtuality sketching -- Master Thesis -- by Violin Yanev
- MapOrientation -- Project -- by Martin Schanzenbach; Simon Schenk
- A tiling window manager for multitouch devices -- DA/MA/BA -- by Philipp Comans?
T. Coskun, C. Wiesner, E. Artinger, A. Benzina, P. Maier, M. Huber, C.Grill, P. Schmitt, G. Klinker
Gestyboard 2.0: A gesture-based text entry concept for high performance ten-finger touch-typing and blind typing on touchscreens
First International Conference on Human Factors in Computing and Informatics (SouthChi?), Maribor, Slovenia July 2013, pp. 680-691. (bib)
T. Velikova, T. Coskun, S. Klingenbeck, J. Roith, E. Artinger, G. Klinker
Animation-based requirements analysis of a map application user interface to support critical MCI situations
Informatiktage, Fachwissenchaftlciher Informatik-Kongress, Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI) - Seminars, Vol S-12, Mar 22-23, 2013, pp. 197-200 (bib)
T. Coskun, E. Artinger, G. Klinker
Mobile and stationary map interaction in MCIs
Summary of a selection of the Map Interaction Studies conducted at TUM in the context of SpeedUp? - Invited Talk at Search and Rescue in Oradea - Romania (bib)
G. Schubert, E. Artinger, V. Yanev, F. Petzold, G. Klinker
3D Virtuality Sketching: Interactive 3D-sketching based on real models in a virtual scene
Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the Association fo Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), San Francisco. Oct. 18-21 2012, pp. 409-418. (bib)
T. Coskun, E. Artinger, G. Klinker
Map Interaction on different devices in the context of MCIs
Map Interaction for heavy ruggedized tablet PCs presented at Joint Research Center JRC in ISPRA Italy - Invited Talk (bib)
M. Maehler, E. Artinger, C. Stolcis, F. Wucholt, T. Coskun, Y. Yildirim-Krannig
Developing user centered maps and map symbols in mass casualty incidents - a qualitative interdisciplinary approach
GMDS 2012/Informatik 2012 IT Unterstuetzung von Einsatzkraeften (IT support in the field of the rescue service) (bib)
G. Han, T. Coskun, E. Artinger, A. Benzina, G. Klinker
User-centered comparison between classical and edge interaction on a heavy rugged tablet PC used in MCIs
GI-Jahrestagung, GMDS 2012/Informatik 2012 IT Unterstuetzung von Einsatzkraeften (IT support in the field of the rescue service), pp. 126-140. (bib)
T. Coskun, C.Grill, A. Benzina, E. Artinger, G. Klinker
How-to interact with a map application on a heavy rugged tablet PC when both hands are needed to hold the device
GI-Jahrestagung, GMDS 2012/Informatik 2012 IT Unterstuetzung von Einsatzkraeften (IT support in the field of the rescue service), pp. 111-125 (bib)
T. Coskun, E. Artinger, L.Pirritano, D.Korhammer, A. Benzina, C.Grill, A. Dippon, G. Klinker
Gestyboard: A 10-finger-system and gesture based text input system for multi-touchscreens with no need for tactile feedback
Matsue, Japan August 28-31, 2012 - APCHI 2012 Poster (bib)
E. Artinger, P. Maier, T. Coskun, S. Nestler, M. Maehler, Y. Yildirim-Krannig, F. Wucholt, F. Echtler, G. Klinker
Creating a common operation picture in realtime with user-centered interfaces for mass casualty incidents
4th international workshop for "Situation recognition and medical data analysis in Pervasive Health environments"(PervaSense?), PervasiveHealth? 2012, May 2012, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 291-296. (bib)
T. Coskun, A. Benzina, E. Artinger, C. Binder, G. Klinker
User-Centered Development Of UI Elements for Selecting Items on a Digital Map Designed for Heavy Rugged Tablet PCs in Mass Casualty Incidents
Prod. of the 2nd ACM SIGHIT Intiernational Health Informatics (IHI) Symposium 2012, pp. 151-160. (bib)
T. Coskun, E. Artinger, L.Pirritano, D.Korhammer, A. Benzina, C.Grill, A. Dippon, G. Klinker
Gestyboard: A 10-finger-system and gesture based text input system for multi-touchscreens with no need for tactile feedback
Technical Report TUM (bib)
G. Schubert, E. Artinger, F. Petzold, G. Klinker
Tangible tools for architectural design – seamless integration into the architectural workflow
Proceedings of the 31nd Annual Conference of the Association for Computer Aided Design in Architecture (ACADIA), Stoughton and WI, 2011, pp. 252-259. (bib)
E. Artinger, T. Coskun, M. Schanzenbach, F. Echtler, S. Nestler, G. Klinker
Exploring Multi-touch Gestures for Map Interaction in Mass Casualty Incidents
3. Workshop zur IT-Unterstützung von Rettungskräften im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2011 (bib)
G. Schubert, E. Artinger, F. Petzold, G. Klinker
Bridging the Gap. A (Collaborative) Design Platform for early design stages
Conference on education and research in computer aided architectural design in europe (eCAADe 2011), Ljubljana, Slovenia, Sep. 2011, pp. 187-193. (bib)
S. Nestler, E. Artinger, T. Coskun, Y. Yildirim-Krannig, S. Schumann, M. Maehler, F. Wucholt, S. Strohschneider, G. Klinker
Assessing Qualitative Usability in life-threatening, time-critical and unstable Situations
GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 2011, Vol. 7(1), ISSN 1860-9171 (bib)
S. Nestler, E. Artinger, T. Coskun, T. Endres, G. Klinker
RFID based Patient Registration in Mass Casualty Incidents
GMS Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie 2011, Vol. 7(1), ISSN 1860-9171 8 (bib)
C. Waechter, E. Artinger, M. Duschl, G. Klinker
Creating Passion for Augmented Reality Applications - a Teaching Concept for a Lab Course
6th International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Nov. 29th - Dec. 01st, 2010, pp. 429-438. (bib)
E. Artinger, M. Schanzenbach, F. Echtler, S. Nestler, T. Coskun, G. Klinker
Beyond Pinch-to-Zoom: Exploring Alternative Multi-touch Gestures for Map Interaction
Technischer Bericht: TUM-I1006 (bib)
S. Nestler, T. Coskun, E. Artinger, P. Pichlmaier, G. Klinker
Indirect Tracking of Patients in Mass Casualty Incidents
2. Workshop zur IT-Unterstützung von Rettungskräften im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2010, pp. 156-161. (bib)
T. Coskun, S. Nestler, E. Artinger, A. Benzina, G. Klinker
Is it possible to interact with a handheld device while holding it in both hands?
2. Workshop zur IT-Unterstützung von Rettungskräften im Rahmen der GI-Jahrestagung Informatik 2010, pp. 181-186. (bib)
S. Nestler, E. Artinger, T. Coskun, Y. Yildirim-Krannig, S. Schumann, M. Maehler, F. Wucholt, S. Strohschneider, G. Klinker
Assessing Qualitative Usability in life-threatening, time-critical and unstable Situations
10. Workshop Mobile Informationstechnologien / Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed 2010) (bib)
S. Nestler, E. Artinger, T. Coskun, T. Endres, G. Klinker
RFID based Patient Registration in Mass Casualty Incidents
10. Workshop Mobile Informationstechnologien / Mobiles Computing in der Medizin (MoCoMed 2010) (bib)
T. Coskun, E. Artinger, S. Nestler, A. Benzina, G. Klinker
Tablet device interaction with geographical information in time-critical, life- threatening and unstable situations
10.Workshop Mobile Informationstechnologien in der Medizin (Mocomed 2010) (bib)
- Sommer 2012 -- Proseminar-- Anwendungen der Augmented Reality
- Sommer 2012 -- Hauptseminar -- Advanced Methods for Human Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Sommer 2011 -- Übung -- Information Visualization
- Winter 2011 -- Übung -- 2D Graphical User Interfaces for Desktop-based and Mobile Computer Applications
- Sommer 2010 -- Praktikum -- Master Practical Course - Augmented Reality Applications
- Winter 2009 -- Praktikum -- Master Practical Course - Augmented Reality Applications
- Mädchen machen Technik 2009: Tanz und Schauspiel im virtuellen Studio