Prof. Dr. Martin Bichler (TUM)
WS 2023/24
IT und Unternehmensberatung (IN2079)
For the first time ever, our traditional seminar "IT und Unternehmensberatung" (IT Consulting) is offered (exclusively) in English. For all international students, this means that they can participate in the seminar without having German language skills.
The application will be open from September 29 to October 8. You can only apply via TUMOnline.
Please make sure to read the information about the application and participation thoroughly.
Diese Lehrveranstaltung ist keine "Ausfertigung" des Informatik-Moduls "Master-Seminar IN2107", sondern eine davon unabhängige Seminar-Veranstaltung. Die Anmeldung erfolgt dementsprechend über TUMonline, nicht über das Matching-Tool der Fakultät Informatik (Details siehe unten). Fragen, ob/inwiefern eine Teilnahme an IN2079 als Master-Seminar o.ä. anerkannt werden kann, richten Sie bitte direkt an Ihren jeweiligen Studiengangskoordinator.
This seminar is not registered as the informatics module "Advanced Seminar Course / Master-Seminar (IN2107)". As a consequence, you cannot apply via the matching tool. Instead, applications are registered in TUMonline (see below). If you have questions how/whether the siminar is acknowledged within your corriculum, please directly contact your study program coordinator.
About this seminar
In this seminar, industry partners from well-known consulting firms will give insights into the work of a consulting agent. You will not only learn theory but get hands-on experiences: Every two weeks, there will be case studies which you analyse in groups. For one of them, you will share your insights with fellow students during a presentation. Additionally, you will be granted feedback by the industry professionals.
Intention and learning goals
- Participants understand the essential processes of IT consulting and their interdependences.
- Participants are able to discuss the strategic decissions of IT management and their implications.
- Participants know typical problems of realizing IT counselling and can suggest appropriate solution concepts.
Presenters and Topics*
Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Mr. Grunow | Overview and general structure of IT-Consulting IT strategy IT Governance, IT organization and processes Digital transformation |
KPMG Dr. Jeschek | IT controlling, IT cost and value management IT project management in the contex of industrialization and internationalization |
mVise & BIVAL Mr. Nicklisch & Mr. Grote | Operative consulting for data warehousing Operative consulting for data science |
Capgemini Mr. Zumkeller | IT consulting projects |
* may be subject to change
At the beginning of the seminar, students will be assigned into small groups. Every group needs to hand in solutions to all four case studies during the semester. We expect you to submit presentation slides.
During each of the four presentation lessons, 2-3 groups present their results such that every group gets to present once. The presentation should take 13-15 minutes.
Usually, you will have a little less than two weeks for each case study. Be aware that this seminar thus requires you to work in teams during the whole semester! You will be graded as a group.
The final grade is composed as follows:
- The hand-in solutions for all case studies are weighted by a factor of 0.7.
- The presentation is weighted by a factor of 0.3.
Time & place
The seminar will take place on Mondays, 8:30 am - noon, in a (roughly) biweekly repetition starting from October 23rd, 2023. You can find the exact dates at the end of this page.
It will take place in our seminar room in Garching, room MI 01.10.011 of the department for mathematics and informatics.
In-person attendance to every session is mandatory. In execptional cases, you can justify in advance that you cannot make it to some session by contacting Julius Durmann.
Moodle course
We primarily communicate via moodle. Please make sure to check regularly for new announcements and/or ensure that you are receiving mail notifications for these.
Slides are provided during the lecture and will be made available on the seminar's moodle page. Case studies are also provided on moodle - where you will in your solutions, too.
The seminar is highly requested and limited to 40 participants. Being a compulsory elective course in Information Systems (M.Sc.), students from this program are granted preferential treatment, especially if they are in high semesters. Remaining seats are distributed among students of other master programs.
We expect basic knowledge of data bases, statistical analysis and machine learning (see e.g. IN2031, IN2028, IN008).
Application window and process
The application is only possible in TUMonline, starting September 29 until October 8.
Students who are not enrolled in the master program "Information Systems": Please send a short email to Julius Durmann with the following content and title "[ITUB-Application] <your name>" within one day of your registration via TUMonline.
- Name and registration number
- Study program and semester (in that program)
- Up-to-date CV
- Up-to-date transcript of records
- Motivation (4-5 sentences)
- Acknowledgement that you have read the notes on required expertise and obligatory attendance, as well as your approval that you match these requirements and are able to fulfill them.
Acceptance & rejection
Among all valid applications, seats will be distributed according to the above mentioned criteria. The decision will be made available in the week before the lecture period starts (ca. October 10). You will be automatically enrolled in the moodle course if your application was successful.
Dates and preliminary topics*
Oct 23, 2023 | Mr. Sackenheim (Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) |
Lecture: Overview and structure of IT consulting Lecture: IT strategy | |
Nov 6, 2023 | Mr. Wehrberger (Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) |
Case study presentation: IT strategy Lecture: IT governance, IT organization and processes | |
Nov 20, 2023 | Mr. Sackenheim (Roland Berger Strategy Consultants) |
Case study presentation: IT governance, IT organization and processes Lecture: Digital transformation | |
Dec 4, 2023 | Dr. Jeschek (KPMG) |
Lecture: IT Controlling, IT Cost and Value Management Lecture: IT Project Management in the Context of Industrialization and Internationalization | |
Dec 18, 2023 | Dr. Jeschek (KPMG) |
Case study presentation: IT Controlling, IT Cost and Value Management | |
Jan 8, 2024 | Mr. Nicklisch (mVISE) & Mr. Grote (BIVAL) |
Lecture: Operative consulting: Data Warehousing Lecture: Operative consulting: Data Science | |
Jan 22, 2024 | Mr. Nicklisch (mVISE) & Mr. Grote (BIVAL) |
Case study presentation: Data Warehousing and Data Science | |
Jan 29, 2024 | Mr. Zumkeller (Capgemini) |
Workshop: IT consulting projects – A complete lifecycle |
* The final topics will be shared in the first session.
Room 01.10.061 (Garching) | |
Organization | |
Julius Durmann, M.Sc. Room 01.10.054 (Garching) E-Mail: julius.durmann(at) | Fabian Pieroth, M.Sc. Room 01.10.054 (Garching) E-Mail: |