
Felix Brandt has received the TUM Supervisory Award 2021 for excellence in doctoral research supervision (Interview #1, Interview #2).

The Research Training Group (RTG) “Advanced Optimization in a Networked Economy,” funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) and jointly hosted by the Department of Informatics, the Department of Mathematics, and the School of Management, offers several positions for Ph.D. students starting in April 2022.

Martin Bichler gives an invited talk at the Agents in Combinatorial Game Theory Workshop in Montreal on November 17, 2021.

Martin Bichler will give an invited talk at the Zurich Center for Market Design  

The Research Training Group AdONE has been extended by the German Research Foundation for another 4.5 years.

Martin Bichler provided two lectures in the ALOP Autumn School on Optimization and Market Design, October 3-7. Other speakers are Moshe Babaioff, Garrett van Ryzin, and Rakesh Vohra. Registration is free.

Felix Brandt will become Co-Editor of Games and Economic Behavior in January, 2022.

Martin Bichler has been invited to give an invited talk at the Virtual Market Design Seminar on September 27, 2021.

Our work on equilibrium learning was featured on the TUM homepage and on techexplore.

Martin Bichler will give an invited talk at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign on August 27, 2021.