
Martin Bichler will give an invited presentation during the thematic semester on Optimization 2020: Mathematics of Decision Making in Montréal, Canada.

M. Bichler will give an invited talk at the Vienna University at the Department of Statistics and Operations Reserach in May 2020.

Martin Bichler and Felipe Maldonado co-organize a workshop on electricity market design on March 25 in Augsburg. Participants include Endre and Mette Björndahl (NHH), Peter Cramton (Cologne), Karsten Neuhoff (DIW), etc.

AdONE Retreat in Benediktbeuern with presentations by Martin Bichler and Maximilian Fichtl.

Invited Talk

Felix Brandt will give an invited presentation at the CRM Workshop on Voting Systems in Montréal, Canada, in February 2020.

Ágnes Cseh (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) will give a talk on Optimal Kidney Exchange with Immunosuppressants in our seminar on February 18, 2020 at 5pm.

Felix Brandt will become managing co-editor of Social Choice and Welfare in 2020.

Invited Talk

Felix Brandt will give an invited presentation at the International Conference on Mathematical Optimization for Fair Social Decisions: A Tribute to Michel Balinski in Paris, France, in December 2019.

Our group organized the joint reception of the BISE journal, the WISE and WITS conferences at Nymphenburg Palace with Paul Milgrom as keynote speaker. The event was followed by a two-day conference in the H4 hotel in Munich with Wl van der Aalst as keynote speaker. Co-organizers of WITS were Martin Bichler and Wolf Ketter. 


Felix Brandt has joined the board of TopMath (an elite doctoral program in mathematics within the Elite Network of Bavaria).