Our group co-organizes the SynErgie Workshop on electricity market design on June 29 with invited talks by Frank Wolak (Stanford), Ben Hobbs (Johns Hopkins), and Richard O'Neill (FERC), and Natalia Fabra (Madrid). Register now!
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Whitepaper on future electricity market design published by the SynErgie Consortium with Martin Bichler, Johannes Knörr, and Felipe Maldonado as co-authors.
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Felix Brandt will give an invited presentation in the Israeli Theory Seminar (Tel Aviv University and Hebrew University of Jerusalem) on March 3rd, 2021
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Whitepaper on future electricity market design published by the SynErgie Consortium with Martin Bichler, Johannes Knörr, and Felipe Maldonado as co-authors.
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Newspaper article on the allocation of airport time slots by Martin Bichler, Peter Cramton, Peter Gritzmann, and Axel Ockenfels in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung on December 21, 2020.
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Martin Bichler gave a talk in the Nobel Prize Lectures together with Professor Klaus Schmidt organized by the Economics Department at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU).
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